Back Round-table Meeting on Role of Public Prosecution in Efficient Investigation of Allegations of Ill Treatment

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The first round-table Meeting under the Project on “Improving the Effectiveness of Investigation of Allegations of Ill-Treatment and Combatting Impunity in Turkey” took place on 12-13 July 2018 in Ankara. The meeting gathered 41 participants, including judges and public prosecutors from Ankara, Izmir, Adana and Diyarbakır courts and from the Turkish Constitutional Court, the Court of Cassation and the Court of Appeals, and representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior, who addressed “the Role of Public Prosecution in Effective Investigation of Allegations of Ill Treatment: Initiation of Prosecutorial Investigation, Collection and Assessment of Evidence, Preparation of Indictments”.

Three presentations related to effective investigation of ill treatment under different conditions were conducted by eminent experts on this topic, Professor Ilhan Üzülmez, Eric Svanidze and Hüseyin Hezer, Senior Lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights.

The meeting served as a forum of relevant legal professionals to discuss about respective topics, identifying shortcomings and giving proposals for improvement in the judicial practice and cooperation on the issue among stakeholders. The input collected from participants’ through small group discussions, will contribute to the development of the needs assessment/recommendations report, as one of the basic outputs of the Project.

The Project “Improving the Effectiveness of Investigation of Allegations of Ill-Treatment and Combatting Impunity in Turkey” is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and Human Rights Trust Fund and implemented by the Council of Europe in partnership with the Human Rights Department within the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Turkey.

  • Agenda of the round-table meeting [ENG] - [TUR]
Ankara 13 July 2018
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