how to use this portal



This portal offers a catalogue of teaching and training resources for you to consult, to download and to use in your educational context. It also offers access to self-learning courses and interactive master classes on key topics of education for democracy.





The catalogue currently gathers almost 300 teaching and training resources on topic such as the prevention of discrimination and violence, competences for democracy, history teaching, intercultural understanding, etc. just to name a few. These resources have been developed in the framework of the different Council of Europe projects over the past years.

Each resource is presented with a short text briefly describing is objectives and aims as well as the target audience. Each resource is also categorised by topic, age group of learners, target group of users, and document type (pdf, video, etc.).

Using the catalogue

  • You can consult the comprehensive list of catalogue entries
  • You can filter the catalogue using the categories on the right hand side. If you click several options the result will be calculated "and" between categories and "or" within a category. Here is an example
    • If you select "Competences for democracy" in topics, "6-10" in age groups and "teachers+school heads" in target groups, the result will show resources which deal with "Competences for democracy" AND are for the age group "6-10 year old" AND are meant for both "teachers" AND "school heads"
  • You click on a resource to find more information about it and a link to the actual resource which you can download for free.
  • In the download process you will be asked to leave your name, email and profession as well as the country for statistical purposes.
  • Once you have consulted and used the resource you have the opportunity, and we encourage you to make use of it, to leave a comment and to rate the resource.

For more information please consult the catalogue tutorial

 Video tutorial


Self-learning courses

Currently there are 18 self-learning courses for different target groups (teachers, learners, school heads) on key topics and of different duration on offer. The self-learning courses use a moodle interface and can be accessed through the link on this portal. You can consult the courses on offer and select the one(s) you would like to do in your own time. If you decide to sign in and complete a course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Using the self-learning courses

  • You can consult the list of courses available
  • You can register for the course(s) of your choice and complete them step by step in your own time
  • Once you have completed all the steps successfully a certificate of completion will be issued on your name and sent to the email address you supplied
  • You can leave comments and suggestions once you have completed the course


Interactive master classes

Currently there are two master classes on priority topic that are prepared. Master classes are interactive courses for a group of up to 25 participants covering 3-4 weeks who will explore a thematic area with the help of one or two coaches, expert advice and resources and activities. The master classes are organised by the Council of Europe secretariat. Once the dates for a master class are announced you will have the possibility to apply for participation. Participants will be selected and invited to join the class. At the end of the course a certificate of completion will be issued.

Using the master classes

  • You can consult the classes on offer and apply for participation in a class of your choice
  • Once you are selected you will be invited to sign in and follow the course over a duration of about 4 weeks
  • Your coaches will guide you through the different activities, tasks and assignments of the course
  • You will interact and exchange with your coaches, experts and with your peers in groups discussions and the like
  • After completion of the course you will receive a certificate of completion.