Consultation and Advocacy
The project contributes to strengthening the institutional capacities of the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) to deliver better services to its members and advocate for their common interest. In addition, the project supports regular and effective consultation mechanisms between local authorities, their national associations, and the national authorities, thereby contributing to genuine decentralisation in Ukraine.
This support includes, among others, the provision of expertise on open government, public ethics and human rights; peer review and capacity building activities; and expert analysis of draft laws in the field of local self-government to advance the integration of European standards of local democracy and good practices in Ukraine.
Following the recommendations of the Baseline assessment of the institutional position of the AUC and the elaboration of the Midterm Strategy on institutional development, the Association is implementing a grant provided by the Congress to improve services to its members, integrate the principles of openness, transparency and equal opportunities in its activities and policies, enhance its analytical capacities, strengthen its advocacy and communication, and mainstream gender equality in all of its activities.
This thematic area directly contributes to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) and 17 (Partnership for the goals).
The Memorandum of Understanding [English | Ukrainian], signed on 25 September 2018, emphasises the commitment of the AUC and the Congress to improving the quality of local democracy in Ukraine by strengthening institutional frameworks, promoting a constructive dialogue between all stakeholders, and ensuring participatory processes throughout the ongoing decentralisation and local self-government reform in Ukraine.
The Community of practice on local democracy in Ukraine is a flexible platform to share experiences and good practices among national associations of local and regional authorities on issues of their common concern (such as advocacy, financial sustainability, communication with members, etc.). Participants will also explore venues for co-operation and the importance of establishing an effective consultative mechanism with national authorities.
AUC Strategic Planning Workshop (19 June 2019, Odesa, Ukraine)
The Congress organised jointly with the AUC, in the margins of the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum in Odesa, Ukraine, a first strategic planning workshop for the members of its Management Board and representatives of the regional branches to address the recommendations of the Baseline assessment of the institutional position of the AUC and to prepare the process for the elaboration of its Midterm Strategy.
The workshop helped to improve the awareness of the key principles of strategic planning processes, to achieve consensus and greater commitment to the future priorities of the AUC, and to define the tasks of the AUC Strategic Planning Working Group – which was set up to conduct the strategic planning process.
First AUC Strategic Planning Working Group meeting (19 September 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine)
The meeting was organised as a follow up to the findings of the Baseline Assessment of the institutional position of the AUC with the aim to initiate the process of elaboration of the AUC midterm strategy and to strengthen the AUC’s strategic planning capacities.
Second AUC Strategic Planning Working Group meeting (11 December 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine)
The Congress organised jointly with the AUC the second strategic planning workshop for an enlarged group of mayors and executive directors from different regions of Ukraine with the aim to review the outcomes of the four regional workshops organised in Ternopil, Odesa, Dnipro and Kyiv in the period October - November 2019 and identify the most relevant draft strategic objectives to be further developed in the planning process of the AUC Midterm Strategy.
Day of the Dialogue with the Government (24 September 2018, Ternopil, Ukraine)
The ‘Day of the Dialogue with the Government’ organised by the AUC in Ternopil, Ukraine, on 24 September 2018 constituted a forum between Ukrainian central and local authorities to discuss and consult between all relevant stakeholders involved in the decentralisation reform process.
The Congress Secretary General took the opportunity to present the project “Strengthening democracy and building trust at local level in Ukraine”, which was launched in July 2018, and reaffirmed the continuous support of the Congress to the efforts undertaken by the AUC towards the decentralisation process in Ukraine.
Round table on Prospects for the status of local councillors in Ukraine (13 December 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine)
The Congress organised jointly with the AUC a round table to discuss the legislative regulation of the legal status of local councillors in Ukraine, as well as the new electoral legislation of Ukraine, in light of the current context of reforms which has enlarged their roles and responsibilities.
As a result, the AUC submitted to the Parliament of Ukraine a proposal for amendments to the draft laws on Local Self-Government and on the Status of Local Councillors, as well as on the draft Electoral Code, based on the common position of the AUC members, and the Congress’ expertise and advocacy support.
Day of the Dialogue with the Government (18 June 2019, Odesa, Ukraine)
At the occasion of the Day of Dialogue within the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum held in Odesa, Ukraine, from 18 to 20 June 2019, some 400 Ukrainian mayors exchanged challenges and opportunities at the local level with national authorities. The discussions were based on wide consultation and feedback received by AUC members.
Vitaliy Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv and Chairman of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, and Andreas Kiefer, Secretary General of the Congress, acknowledged the will and commitment of Ukrainian local elected representatives for positive change and underlined the need for constitutional amendments with a view to fully implementing the decentralisation reform.
- News
- Webpage of the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum
- Final Declaration of the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum [English | Ukrainian
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Donor Board on Decentralisation Reform in Ukraine
- Meeting of 28 February 2019 [English | Ukrainian]
- Meeting of 21 June 2019 [English | Ukrainian]
- Meeting of 17 October 2019 [English | Ukrainian]
- Meeting of 13 December 2019 [English | Ukrainian]
- Meeting of 23 June 2020 [English | Ukrainian]
- Meeting of 19 October 2020 [English | Ukrainian]
- Meeting of 12 November 2020
- Meeting of 18 December 2020 [English | Ukrainian]
Agendas, minutes of the meetings and relevant files are available in English and Ukrainian.
European Committee of the Regions' Task Force on Ukraine
Eastern Partnership Co-ordination Seminar: Ukraine (5-6 September 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Building on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the national associations of local and regional authorities from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the AUC and the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe (NALAS) conducted the Eastern Partnership Co-ordination Seminar: “Ukraine, A new political framework for Ukrainian local and regional governments”, in the framework of PLATFORMA. It brought together representatives of both national associations, the National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALAG) and the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM), as well as members of national and local governments.
The seminar provided an excellent opportunity to exchange good practices and present the NALAS’ flagship initiative, the Regional Decentralization Observatory.
- News AUC [1] [2] [3]
- News NALAS
Consultation and advocacy
The Congress provides expert support and capacity building to strengthen institutional frameworks for local self-government and advocacy in Ukraine.
Open government and public ethics
The Congress promotes ethical, transparent and participatory decision-making as a means to increase citizens' trust in local elected officials and representatives.
Human rights at local level
The Congress supports local authorities and their national associations in their efforts to promote inclusiveness and to ensure equal opportunities for all citizens.
Council of Europe Office in Ukraine
8, Illinska Street, entrance 7, floor 5, Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine
Project Manager,
Council of Europe Office in Kyiv
Marité MORAS
Head of Unit, Co-operation and External Relations Division, Secretariat of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe