Combatting discrimination in Morocco news

Workshops on the preliminary results of the study on hate speech in Morocco

11 March 2021 Rabat

As part of the development of the study on hate speech in Morocco, the Council of Europe is organizing, in collaboration with the Mediterranean Youth Forum, three discussion workshops with target groups, namely young professionals from Moroccan media, Moroccan students and sub-Saharan students,...

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Formation des futurs tuteurs sur le discours de haine et la prévention de la radicalisation au Maroc

17 decembre 2020 Rabat

Une formation pour tuteurs pour les cours en ligne du Conseil de l’Europe sur le discours de haine et la prévention de la radicalisation, (HELP-Human Rights Education for Legal Professions) a eu lieu le 17 décembre 2020 à Rabat. A cette formation ont participé des représentants de la Délégation...

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Start of the research for a study on hate speech in Morocco

23 November 2020 Morocco

On 21 November an online training course was organised for 20 interviewers to conduct a survey about hate speech across Morocco. The training covered interview techniques and the questionnaires to be used. It was followed by a practical workshop on combating hate speech and Council of Europe...

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Manual for combating hate speech published in Arabic

5 November 2020 Morocco

An Arabic translation of "Bookmarks" has just been published through a grant awarded to the Mediterranean Forum for Youth (FOMEJE), the co-ordinating organisation for the No Hate Speech Movement in Morroco, by a project implemented under the Council of Europe's Neighbourhood Partnership with...

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Recommendations on combating racism and discrimination now available in Arabic

26 juin 2020 Morocco

The Council of Europe project ‘Combating discrimination in Morocco’ has translated some of the general policy recommendations and key topic notes of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) into Arabic with the aim of promoting the fight against discrimination in Morocco....

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Training to counter hate speech in Morocco

6-8 December 2019 Asilah, Morocco

Under the Council of Europe 'Neighbourhood Partnership for Morocco 2018-2021', financed by Norway, the Council of Europe has organised a training in partnership with the Forum for Mediterranen Youth (FOMEJE) for young journalists and activitists on the combat against hate speech in the media, on...

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