Back WE CAN for human rights speech webinars

WE CAN for human rights speech webinars

On 22-23 February the “WE CAN for human rights speech” project partners held webinars with activists from across Europe to present and discuss the results of their 2020 research. The activists and networks also had the opportunity to share their experience in countering online hate speech and hate storms.

 Timing & Formats and their effect on the performance of counter & alternative narrative campaigns

In her presentation, Sina Laubenstein (Neue Deutsche Medienmacher e.V), showed that although formats are important they are not the only factor in determining whether a campaign is a success. The research showed that knowing the target audience and its preferences was more important than the choice of format. Debora Barletta (APICE) explained how the timing can impact the performance of a counter narrative campaign and that their research showed that a response with 12-24 hours had the best reactions.

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 Can we predict if hate speech will become a hate storm?

Victoria Carasava (ActiveWatch) presented the methodology and results from the research into hate speech events and whether there are indicators that can predict a hate storm. The research showed that the levels of hate speech was not motivated by facts, actual events, but by subjective perceptions. The research could not identify common indicators that could predict hate storms at a European level but patterns could be found in national contexts and activists are encouraged to apply the research methodology to their own national context.

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Online 22-23 February 2021
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