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Strengthening access to justice for LGBTQI people in Ukraine

The NGO Insight from Ukraine is implementing until April 2022 a project aiming at combating discrimination and hatred against LGBTI people in Ukraine through litigation, providing access to support services and informing victims about the possibilities to get assistance. This project is carried out with the support of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme Partnership for Good Governance, and its regional project “Strengthening access to justice for victims of discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in the Eastern Partnership”.

The organisation Insight will:

  1. Provide access to support services (legal and psychological counselling) for LGBTQI people (in particular people who are subject to multiple discrimination) victims of discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes.
  2. Combat hate crimes and discrimination against LGBTQI people through litigation (including strategic litigation). 
  3. Inform LGBTQI people when they are victims of discrimination on possibilities of getting assistance and relevant actions.

LGBTI people are still exposed to high levels of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in Ukraine and the investigation of hate crimes on the grounds of homophobia or transphobia remains largely unsatisfactory. LGBTQI people have limited access to psychological and legal assistance, as well as judicial protection due to lack of financial resources and lack of friendly professionals. The pandemic has had an even more negative impact on LGBTQI people access to help, as many have lost their jobs and some have even become homeless. To ensure equality, it is important to improve LGBTQI people access to psychological and legal assistance and to inform them about these possibilities. 

This project is one of the six civil society supported by the European Union/Council of Europe regional anti-discrimination project, in Armenia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine aimed at increasing access to justice for groups that experience discrimination, hate speech and hate crime. 

This activity is implemented in the framework of the regional project “Strengthening access to justice for victims of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in the Eastern Partnership”, financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in their Partnership for Good Governance phase II.

Kiyv, Ukraine 13/12/2021
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