Back Increasing the capacity of the Moldova Audio-visual Council to monitor and sanction hate speech

Increasing the capacity of the Moldova Audio-visual Council to monitor and sanction hate speech

On 7 April 2021, we kicked off a training course for the staff of the Audio-visual Council of the Republic of Moldova on monitoring and sanctioning hate speech. The training will include 4 online session over April 2021, with the following objectives:

  • Familiarising participants with key human rights concepts, including equality, non-discrimination and the links to hate speech
  • Familiarising participants with relevant case-law on hate speech, including from the European Court of Human Rights
  • Developing participants’ competences to monitor, analyse and frame hate speech cases.

The training is based on a guide developed for the use of the Audio-visual Council on tackling hate speech. The guide will be finalised in May 2021, following this training course.

The need for this capacity-building was mentioned in the country monitoring report of ECRI on the Republic of Moldova. This course is organised by our regional PGG anti-discrimination project.

This activity is part of the regional project “Strengthening access to justice for victims of discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in the Eastern Partnership”, funded by the EU and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Republic of Moldova 7 APRIL 2021
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