Back How does Spain respond to hate speech?

How does Spain respond to hate speech?

The No Hate Speech Co-operation Unit together with the National Office against Hate Crimes of the Spanish Ministry of the Interior gathered key stakeholders in a workshop to map how Spain responds to hate speech. 

Using a methodology known as 'systemic analysis' the particpants mapped how members of society are impacted by hate speech and the redress available to them. This was not limited to legal redress but included all possible responses as outlined by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance General Policy Recommendation No. 15, including self-regulatory procedures, public condemnation, victim support and educational support. 

By breaking down a system into its component peices and studying how these component parts work and interact to accomplish their purposes will help members of the workshop to identity gaps, challenges and propose new actions and tools for Spain.

Participants in the workshop included representatives of civil society, Ministry of Education, Special Prosecutor for Technological Crimes, Spanish Observatory on Racism and Xenophobia, State Secretary for Equality and Municipal Police.

Stakeholders who were not present for the workshop will be interviewed and a second workshop will be held on 16 December to complete the mapping.

Madrid 4 November 2019
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