High level Conference


(Improving international and multi-agency cooperation to tackle radicalisation, terrorism and organised crime)


Organised within the framework of the EU-CoE project ‘HELP Radicalisation prevention, Judicial response to terrorism and International cooperation in criminal matters on 20 & 21 October 2021, the Conference will provide a unique opportunity for justice professionals (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, security forces, prison and probation officers, policymakers) to exchange experiences and best practices on these subjects, with a multi-agency and transnational approach. It will include general sessions and workshops on a variety of topics: priorities and challenges during investigation and arrest, judicial cooperation & mutual legal assistance, imprisonment & probation; returnee Foreign Terrorists Fighters (FTFs) and their families; de-radicalisation/disengagement programmes; supporting victims of terrorism and cybercrime.

Participating entities and agencies will include: Council of Europe, RAN (Radicalisation Awareness network), Eurojust, Europol, the CEP (Confederation of European Probation) and Europris.


Eva Pastrana, Head of Justice and Human Rights Division, Council of Europe (DG I)

Anita Van de Kar-Bachelet, Head of Mutual Assistance Unit, Council of Europe (DG I)

Eva Mass-Arranz, HELP Project Coordinator, Council of Europe, Overview of HELP courses related to international cooperation on countering cross-border crime

Roundtable - International Cooperation: Challenges throughout the criminal process: 

Vera Pavinska, Acting Head of Unit for Trainig and Research, European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)

Hilde Vandevoorde, Chair of the Eurojust Counter-Terrorism Team and National Member for Belgium

Nadya Radkovska, Vice-Chair of the CoE Council for Penological Cooperation (PC-CP)

Workshop A: Returning Foreign Terrorists Fighters (FTFs), including returnee women and children: 

Dr Magnus Ranstorp, Leading Scholar on FTFs, Research Director at the Centre for Asymmetric Threat Studies at the Swedish Defense University & Special Adviser fo the EU Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN)

Steffen Saigusa Nielsen, East Jutland Police, Crime Prevention Section.

Workshop B: De-radicalisation/Dis-engagement programmes in Prison & Probation: 

Vivian Geiran, Member of the Council of Euopre PC-CP and former Director of Irish Probation Service

Workshop C: Supporting victims of crime/terrorism: 

Phoebe Jamieson, Council of Europe Network for Victims of Terrorism

Workshop D: Cybercrime and Human Rights: 

Fernanda Teixeira Souza Domingos, CoE International Expert and Federal Prosecutor, São Paulo, Brazil

Eva Massa-Arranz, HELP Project Coordinator, Council of Europe: How to implement a HELP course at national level


Eurojust Counterterrorism Report

Eurojust Memorandum on Battlefied Experience

Eurojust Summary of Expert Workshops on Right-wing extremism


Online HELP Seminar: Reinforcing International Cooperation in times of COVID-19 (21 March 2021)

HELP High-level Conference: Countering cross-border crime- human rights implications (20-21 October 2021)


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