Back Joint NGO communication on prison conditions in Ukraine

Nevmerzhitsky v. Ukraine

The European Prison Litigation Network and Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group submitted a joint communication to the Committee of Ministers concerning the Nevmerzhitsky v. Ukraine groups of cases.

They submitted that the measures taken so far by the Ukrainian authorities to address the structural problems identified by the European Court in these cases have been inadequate. These problems concern notably prison overcrowding, lack of adequate material conditions of detention and nutrition, lack of adequate medical care, as well as lack of effective domestic remedies in all these respects.

In their reply, the Ukrainian authorities noted their ongoing efforts to improve the system of monitoring of detention conditions, in particular by drafting, in cooperation with Council of Europe experts, a Bill on the establishment of regular penitentiary inspections. They also highlighted the implementation of a pilot project on joint inspections of detention facilities by the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Prosecutor General’s Office.


 Nevmerzhitsky v. Ukraine

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