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Youth work for all! - Enter! training on access to social rights for youth in disadvantaged neighbourhoods

 The initial training seminar of the Enter! Training for Youth Workers kicked off with 33 participants- youth workers from 23 countries. In the framework of the Hungarian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, the training seminar supported youth workers to devise projects which put in practice the Enter! Recommendation and Youth Work Recommendation of the Council of Europe.

The long-term training course aims to equip youth workers with knowledge and skills to provide support and develop joint local approaches that improve the access to social rights for young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods. In the framework of the Enter! training, the youth workers will engage and work closely with the Council of Europe in developing and implementing specific youth work projects aimed at improving access to social rights (education, housing, heath, transport, culture, employment etc.), as well as enhance the recognition, quality and outreach of youth work in member states.

The long-term training course comprises two intercultural residential seminars with a practice/project phase in between and supported by an e-learning programme, mentoring and networking opportunities. It will take place from August 2021 to December 2022. During the course each participant is expected to develop a local youth work project based on active participation of young people and addressing specific challenges that young people face in their access to social rights. The projects should be an example in implementing the Enter! Recommendation through youth work and provide a practical basis for learning about promoting the social rights of young people and how best to link specific policies with youth work. They should be implemented in co-operation with local authorities, public service providers and other stakeholders, so to ensure better impact at the local community level.

 More information about the course, its participants and methodology can be found here: Enter Long-Term Training Course 2021-2022 (

14 September 2021
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Enter! is a project of the Council of Europe to identify and support youth work and youth policy responses to violence, exclusion and discrimination affecting young people in Europe, especially in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

In 2015, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted Recommendation CMRec(2015)3 (the Enter! Recommendation) on access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights.

The recommendation calls on member states to implement public policies that take into consideration the specific situations and needs of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to prevent and eradicate poverty, discrimination, violence and exclusion.

Enter! is supported by a user-friendly guide for the implementation of the recommendation – Taking it Seriously.

The project activities are centred around training courses for youth workers and their local level projects as well as various publications. A game for young people to learn about social rights - Enter! Dignityland - supports learning and action.

The Enter! project is carried out by the Youth Department of the Directorate of Democratic Participation within the Directorate General of Democracy of the Council of Europe.

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