Back Aïssa GRABSI



Organisation: Asssociation Le Sel De La Vie

 About the project

The project is designed in the field of training, non-formal education, vocational integration and the promotion of social and fundamental rights in the working-class and disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Marseille.

Project  objectives

  • to develop a non-formal pedagogy, build on the knowledge and experiences of young people for their training, education, and access to social and fundamental rights;
  • to promote economic integration, vocational training, social mobility, and emancipation.

Project activities

Activities will be co-created with young people aged from 18 to 30 years old and are designed to assist in their professional integration and foster active citizenship through activities such as:

  1. Training, expression and production workshops (e.g., theatre, rap-slam) on social and fundamental rights: combating inequality, discrimination, and segregation.
  2. MEDENPHARMAKINE Free School of Higher Education (called Stable) for the preparation of medical, dental, pharmacy, and midwifery knowledge and of social and fundamental rights to build the participants’ training, qualification, and vocational integration paths. The trainers and tutors are coming from working-class and disadvantaged neighbourhoods and have themselves passed these exams to become doctors.
  3. Combating food insecurity of young people in training (high school and vocational education students, isolated youth, migrants etc.) through the distribution of food parcels with professional integration institutions and organisations specialised in the production of balanced meals.

 About Aissa

Aissa is a teacher in social sciences, teacher trainer and trainer of trainers, as well as co-founder of the organisation Le Sel de la Vie. He is responsible for managing projects with young people (18-30 years).

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