Back Quality education for all in Serbia – “Guidelines for integration of Reference Framework of Competences in selected subjects of national curricula” published

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Credits: Shutterstock

In order to show how the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) can be integrated in selected subjects of primary and secondary education, experts from the Institute for Improvement of Education, in coordination with advisers from the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation, have prepared the unique “Guidelines for integration of RFCDC in selected subjects of national curricula”. The experts had an introductory mentoring session from an education expert from Andorra, the most advanced country in relation to the integration of the Framework into the formal education system.

The Guidelines provide analysis of the curricula, mapping of the connection with RFCDC and provide examples on how to develop competences for democratic culture (CDC) through subject teaching bearing in mind the education cycle. Examples are given through the following subjects: Serbian language/Serbian language and literature, mathematics, the world around us/science and society basics, foreign language, history, geography, physics, chemistry, psychology, and civic education. To make it easier for teachers to assess to which extent their teaching practice develops CDC, the authors created an evaluation checklist for education professionals.

With the Guidelines and the online and in-person in-service teacher training that will soon be accredited, teachers in Serbia will have resources like few other countries in Europe have in terms of the integration of the Reference Framework into the education system, and which is now also in the official 2030 education strategy for the Republic of Serbia.

The Guidelines are available online in English and Serbian.

The action Quality education for all is implemented under the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022“.

Serbia 5 May 2022
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