Back OHTE Governing Board elects Scientific Advisory Council members during its 3rd meeting

The Governing Board of the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe has just issued its vote on the membership of the Scientific Advisory Council – one of its main constituent bodies and the guarantor of the neutralitiy of the scientific work of the Observatory and its reports
OHTE Governing Board elects Scientific Advisory Council members during its 3rd meeting

On 4 June 2021, the 3rd meeting of the Governing Board of the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe took place online, with the participation of the representatives of the member states of the Enlarged Partial Agreement.

The meeting’s main point of discussion, and decision to be taken, was the election of the Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) – a milestone in the creation of the Observatory and a crucial step in the launching of its content work. While the membership of the SAC is not specifically linked to country representation, the Bureau – as mandated by the Governing Board of the Observatory – sought to propose a selection of profiles that would first and foremost provide for a balance in terms of professional qualifications, gender representation and geographical coverage (in terms of nationality, work experience and residence).


The Governing Board unanimously voted for the following 11 members of the Scientific Advisory Council in alphabetical order according to their last name:

Ms Ines Fialho Brandão (Portugal)

Mr Raul Cârstocea (Romania, Germany, United Kingdom)

Mr Alexander Chubaryan (Russian Federation)

Mr Piero Colla, (Italy, Belgium)

Mr Erkan Dinç (Turkey)

Ms Anne Dolan (Ireland)

Ms Chara Makriyianni (Cyprus)

Ms Bridget Martin (France, Netherlands, Australia)

Ms Elene Medzmariashvili (Georgia)

Mr Thomas Serrier (France, Germany)

Mr Marko Šuica (Serbia)


In addition to the election of the SAC, the Governing Board also approved the first medium-term programme of the Observatory (2021 – 2023) as well as the initial concept of the Annual Conference, which will take place in Strasbourg on 2-3 December 2021.

Online 4 June 2021
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