Back Observatory’s Scientific Advisory Council soon to be elected

The Scientific Advisory Board of the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe will be elected during the 3rd meeting of the Governing Board
Observatory’s Scientific Advisory Council soon to be elected

Following the closing of the Call for Expression of Interest for the Scientific Advisory Council on 5 April 2021, the Governing Board of the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe is about to finalise the selection of the 11 members of the Scientific Advisory Council during its 3rd meeting due on 4 and 7 June 2021.

Established in November 2020, the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe is a new co-operation activity of the Council of Europe in the field of history education. Initially with 17 member States*, the Observatory will operate as an enlarged partial agreement. It will build on the Council of Europe's decades-long experience in history education, while complementing and strengthening its intergovernmental programme.

The Observatory’s main purpose is to collect and make available, through a series of regular and thematic reports, factual information on the state of history teaching in all participating countries. The main aim is to facilitate exchange of good practice and mutual learning. It also serves as a platform for professional development and networking for European professional associations and institutes active in the field of history teaching.

The Scientific Advisory Council has an advisory function and shall be consulted on the Observatory's programme to ensure the academic, scholarly, and methodological quality of its work, in particular its reports. The task of the Scientific Advisory Council is also to assist the Governing Board by delivering an opinion on any other matter concerning the Observatory’s activities which the Governing Board may submit to it.

The Scientific Advisory Council shall be composed of 11 members elected by the Governing Board, taking geographical, professional, and gender balance into account. The membership of the Scientific Advisory Council will be made public on the Observatory’s website soon after the meeting of the Governing Board, during which other important topics will be discussed, such as the preparation of the Observatory’s medium-term programme of activities and its Annual Conference (scheduled in December 2021).


*Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, North Macedonia, Portugal, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.

Strasbourg (online) 4 and 7 June 2021
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