The Council of Europe Project “Quality Education for All – North Macedonia” has launched a call for the provision of local consultancy services. The aim of the tender is to create a pool of local consultants to provide consultancy services to the Council in the field of democratic citizenship education and human rights education, intercultural education and democratic school governance on an as-needed basis.
Lot 1: Research and policy development
Lot 2: Capacity-building activities
Interested consultants are invited to refer to the Tender File and the Act of Engagement, which contain a full description of the terms and conditions of engagement and the scope of activities:
The deadline for the submission of applications is 20 March 2023 at 23:59 CET (previously 14 March). Electronic copies shall be sent only to [email protected] with a following reference “Tender - local consultancy services on Education in North Macedonia”. Please, pay particular attention to completing, signing and submitting documents according to the instructions set in the Tender File and Act of Engagement. Candidates will be disqualified for any incomplete or missing documents.
Questions regarding this specific tendering procedure shall be sent at the latest by one week before the deadline for submissions of tenders, in English, and shall be exclusively sent to the following address: [email protected].
As a legal entity, we are interested in applying as a provider of these services and would appreciate clarification on the following points:
1. Q: Should we include only our organizational background, such as previous achievements, organizational capacity, and competences, in the motivational letter?
A: Yes, if you are applying as a legal entity, in the motivation letter, the applicants should include the organizational background, such as previous achievements, organizational capacity, and competences of the legal entity.
2. Q: For the CV, should we provide resumes of the persons who will work as consultants on the project, as CVs?
A: Yes, the legal entity should provide the CVs of the persons who will work on the project, should the applicant be successful.