Back Call for international consultancy services in the field of digital transformation in education

Call for international consultancy services in the field of digital transformation in education

The Council of Europe Education Department is launching a call for tenders in the framework of its work on the “Digital Transformation in Education”.

The Call covers activities related to Digital Citizenship Education and Digitalisation in Higher Education. Among the main outputs that will be produced in the next years:

  • A Review report of the implementation of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)10 on developing and promoting digital citizenship education
  • A curriculum framework for digital citizenship education to guide/assist schools in incorporating digital citizenship education in the school curricula
  • A framework to Assess the Impact of EdTech Tools in formal education and higher education
  • A white paper on teaching profession in the digital age
  • A framework for partnerships between education institutions and the private and civil sectors in education
  • A framework for professional development to facilitate peer learning and exchange among professionals in education at European level
  • Guidelines on the use of education data and data analytics in education systems
  • Instruments to promote Transparency in Education and Higher Education
    • Open School/University data jointly with UNESCO
    • Inception phase – preparatory study on launching in a restricted number of countries a pilot project
    • Students Data in the digital /education
    • Algorithmic transparency in Higher Education
    • AI and Education / Academic Fraud – Review
  • Activities organised under the European Year of Digital Citizenship Education in 2025.

The Call includes three lots:

Lot 1 focuses on the formulation and development of legal and policy instruments, including recommendations, white papers, guidelines, and policy briefs. It involves providing expert opinions and advice on a range of education policies and practices at both international and national levels. The aim is to offer insightful guidance in shaping effective educational strategies and frameworks.

Lot 2 focuses on the design and development of comprehensive guidelines for model training courses, along with resources specifically tailored for school administrators, educators, parents, and learners. This lot plays a crucial role in enhancing the capacities of educational institutions and other key stakeholders in the education sector. It includes the creation of educational resources and tools aimed at raising awareness and supporting the diverse needs of school administrators, educators, parents, carers, and learners.

Lot 3 focuses on the systematic collection and analysis of data, including conducting baseline assessments to gauge the effectiveness of policy implementation. It involves the development of structured surveys and interview guides for different stakeholder groups, and the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data to identify statistical trends and patterns. Additionally, thematic analysis of qualitative data is conducted to extract meaningful insights and narratives. This lot also includes generating comparative reports that align findings with best practices and international standards.

To apply, carefully read the:

The deadline for the submission of applications is 7 January 2024 at 23:59 CET. Electronic copies shall be sent only to [email protected] with the following reference in subject: “Tender n.20YYAO101 - international consultancy services in the field of digital transformation in education”.

Possible questions shall be sent to [email protected] by December 19. The answers to such questions will be published online on this page, through an anonymised Q&A document.


Question and Answers:

Q: If a consulting company (registered on January 2021) is represented in this call with experts with over 10 years of experience in relevant fields, will the company be considered eligible for this call?
A: Yes, provided that the company will make use of the expertise of such indivisuals (whose profiles match with the experience required by the Tender's eligibility criteria) in their services.

Q: We would like to know if it would it be possible to extend the deadline of at least two weeks. Due to the  Christmas holiday period, we have limited capacity to prepare a high quality bid.  An extension would significantly help to prepare a high-quality proposal that are in line with the requirements specified.
A: Though we understand that time is limited, in particular due to the upcoming holiday period, the Call opened on December 5 and will be open until January 7, giving almost a month time for the submission of proposals. It will not be possible to extend the deadline. 

Q: Do legal entities need to submit with their application the copies of Degree certificates for all experts put forth in the tender?
A: Yes. 

Q: Do legal entities need to submit with their application three references persons and their contact details?
A: Yes, three reference persons need to be submitted, but their contact details are not necessary at this time. 

Q: Do legal entities need to submit three examples of previous work, and if so if this is meant per expert profile or for the legal entity as a whole?
A: For the legal entity as a whole, and if relevant, more than 3 examples of work can be submitted.

Q: The tender file mentions that a cover letter of no more than 500 words should be provided to explain the relevant experience and proposed approach.
If a tenderer applies for more than one lot, should separate cover letters of maximum 500 words each be sent? Or one common cover letter of maximum 500 words covering the different lots?
A: One cover letter should be submitted only, independently from the number of Lots a tenderer is applying for. The letter should summarise relevant experience for all Lots in question.  

Q: Are there specific target countries this tender is looking at?
A: The services to be provided will be targeted at the 50 states parties to the European Cultural Convention. Nevertheless, there is no geographical limitation concerning the registration of tenderers applying nor their place of operation.

Q: It was mentioned that the total project budget amounts to 640,000 EUR, and that the total amount of the object of this tender must not exceed 320,000 EUR. It was also mentioned that the program is looking to engage 40 service providers and implement 60 activities up to December 2025. Given the statements above, would that mean that the 320,000 EUR will be divided to 40 service providers or each of the 40 will be funded with 320,000 EUR?
A: The amount given (320,000€) is the maximum to be covered under this tender. Therefore, this amount will cover all services (up to 60 activities) among all selected candidates, and it should be noted that not necessarily all selected providers will be contracted. 
Please see Tender File point D: "Deliverables will then be carried out on the basis of Order Forms submitted by the Council of Europe to the selected Service Provider(s), by post or electronically, on an as needed basis (there is therefore no obligation to order on the part of the Council of Europe)."

Q: Upon reviewing the framework contract (act of engagement) we had a query about article 3.2.7: ‘’The Provider guarantees that use by the Council of the Deliverable(s) produced as a result of the execution of the present contract will not infringe the rights of third parties. However, should the Council incur liability as the result of any such infringement; the Provider will compensate it in full for any damage it may suffer in consequence.
We interpret this to mean liabilities are uncapped. We would like to ask if an amendment to this wording for the draft contract might be considered, such as: “the Provider will compensate it (to the value of 3 x individual contract/assignment value) for any damage it may suffer in consequence.
A: At this stage, it will not be possible to change the Act of Engagement as asked.

Strasbourg 5 December 2023
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