A set of tools for promoting democracy and human rights through education was developed by the Council of Europe based on its member states’ experiences and expertise in this area, and is now known as an “EDC/HRE Pack”.
It includes publications specifically addressed to policy makers, teacher trainers, school directors, school inspectors, universities and civil society organisations.
These tools will also be of interest to all those concerned with the well-being of our societies and the role of education in this respect.

Tool for Quality Assurance of Education of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Schools
School Directors and Inspectors
UNESCO, Council of Europe and CEPS
Developing a culture of democracy and human rights in education is a key factor in improving performance. Yet while quality assurance principles have been widely applied in education, the concepts of citizenship and human rights education are rarely integrated in this process.
This publication, Tool for Quality Assurance of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Schools, provides decision-makers, administrators, inspectors and school leaders with a framework that can be applied equally across an education system as well as to educational institutions individually.
English French Albanian Polish Romanian Ukrainian
Support materials
Introducing Quality Assurance of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Schools- A comparative Study on Ten Countries (2009)
English French

Democratic governance of schools
School Directors
Democratic and human rights values and practices are learned not only through formal teaching, but also through the experience of living and working in a community that respects them. Yet educational institutions are often unaware of the benefits of becoming more participatory communities.
The Council of Europe manual, Democratic governance of schools, provides school leaders with a clear explanation of the advantages of developing a more democratic school culture, and ideas and advice on how such a culture may be created and sustained. Another Council of Europe manual, entitled Advancing democratic practice, deals with the same issues for university administrators.
English French Albanian Armenian Bosnian Croatian Georgian German Greek Hungarian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian
Support materials
From student voice to shared responsibility. Effective practice in democratic school governance in European schools (2007)
English French
The school: a democratic learning community (2005)
Advancing Democratic Practice : A Self-Assessment Guide for Higher Education
English French

How all teachers can support citizenship and human rights education: a framework for the development of competences
Teacher Trainers
The success of citizenship and human rights education depends significantly on the skills of teachers. Yet teacher educators are often uncertain about what this involves, or how to train practitioners in the sorts of participatory teaching methods needed for effective citizenship and human rights learning.
The Council of Europe tool, How all teachers can support citizenship and human rights education: a framework for the development of competences, provides all teachers and teacher educators with a framework for the development of the essential competences needed to put citizenship and human rights education into practice in different types of schools.
English French Albanian Croatian Georgian Polish Romanian Russian Serbian
Support materials
Tool on Teacher Training for Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education
English French Azeri Dutch Georgian German Polish Russian Serbian Slovak Turkish Ukrainian

Strategic support for decision makers - Policy tool for education for democratic citizenship and human rights
Decision Makers
For many involved in educational policy making, democratic citizenship and human rights education is a new area about which they feel uncertain and inadequately prepared.
The Council of Europe tool, Strategic support for decision makers, provides advice, in the form of a step-by-step guide to consistent and sustainable policy making. It explains what citizenship and human rights education is, and what it means in policy terms, in different education and training phases and settings – from general education to vocational, higher and adult education.
Support materials
Glossary of terms for Education for Democratic Citizenship
English French Azeri Czech Dutch Finish German Greek Italian Portuguese Spanish Swedish Ukrainian
All-European Study on Policies for Education for Democratic Citizenship

School-community-university partnerships for a sustainable democracy: Education for democratic citizenship in Europe and the United States of America
Schools, Universities and NGOs
Education for democratic citizenship and human rights is too broad and too important to be left to the state alone. Yet NGOs, foundations, trades unions, community groups, parents’ associations, universities and colleges, and similar organisations are not always aware of what they might achieve through closer co-operation with public or other bodies working in this field.
The Council of Europe tool, School-community-university partnerships for a sustainable democracy, provides guidance for civil society organisations on creating and sustaining educational partnerships capable of delivering high quality citizenship and human rights education.