Council of Europe assists on improving the Albanian National Strategy on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing 2024-2030

11 June 2024 Tirana, Albania

EU and Council of Europe Action against Economic Crime in Albania, in cooperation with the Inter-Institutional Working Group on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing organised a consultative roundtable to discuss the draft National Strategy on Prevention of Money Laundering and...

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Members of the Anti-Corruption Directorate and Network of Anti-Corruption Coordinators commence the Council of Europe online training ‘Introduction to Corruption prevention’

07 June 2024 Tirana, Albania

Action against Economic Crime in Albania, in cooperation with the Minister of State for Public Administration and Anti-Corruption and the Albanian School of Public Administration, launched the Albanian language version of the Council of Europe’s course on “Introduction to corruption prevention”...

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Launching of the Albanian version of the Council of Europe HELP course on “Introduction to Corruption Prevention”

01 March 2024 Tirana, Albania

The Joint European Union and Council of Europe Action against Economic Crime in Albania and the Council of Europe HELP Programme in the Western Balkans, in co-operation with the Minister of State for Public Administration and Anti-Corruption and the Albanian School of Public Administration,...

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National authorities reiterate commitment to cooperation against economic crime

12 December 2023 Tirana, Albania

On 12 December 2023, senior representatives of key Albanian beneficiary institutions of the joint European Union and Council of Europe “Action against Economic Crime in Albania” assessed the progress achieved over the last nine months, focusing on the legal framework and consolidation of their...

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Albanian Customs and Police launch awareness campaign against cash smuggling

11 December 2023 Tirana, Albania

Albanian Customs Directorate and State Police, with the support of the European Union, Council of Europe and German Government, launched a new awareness campaign to inform travellers about the rules on transporting money into and out of Albania. The campaign informs travellers that they must...

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Albanian authorities receive assistance to improve the draft-law on the establishment of Asset Recovery Office in Albania

21-22 November 2022 Online

Action against Economic Crime in Albania in close collaboration with the Ministry of Interior, is contributing to the improvement of the draft-law on the establishment of the Asset Recovery Office (ARO) in Albania in compliance with international and European standards. The establishment of ARO...

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Albanian authorities review draft report on National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment

09 - 11 October 2023 Tirana, Albania

The joint European Union / Council of Europe project, Action against Economic Crime in Albania, together with the Financial Intelligence Agency (FIA) organized a series of focus groups with responsible Albanian institutions and private sector entities on the National Money Laundering and...

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Key users of the Central Election Commission’s Electronic Platform on Financial Reporting enhance their capacities for monitoring of political parties’ financing and misuse of state resources

13 June 2023 Tirana, Albania

The Action against Economic Crime in Albania, in close cooperation with the Central Elections Commission (CEC), continued organising training sessions for all key users of the CEC’s Electronic Platform on Financial Reporting. This platform was developed with the support of the Action during...

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Central Election Commission Electronic Platform on Financial Reporting – increasing the transparency and accountability of political parties and electoral campaigns in Albania

05 April 2023 Tirana, Albania

The Central Election Commission (CEC) launched the Electronic Platform on Financial Reporting at a high-level event today, supported by the Action against Economic Crime in Albania. The electronic platform constitutes an innovative and sustainable mechanism to increase the transparency and...

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Representatives of state institutions reaffirm their commitment to cooperation in improving the fight against corruption and money laundering

30 March 2023 Tirana, Albania

The Steering Committee of the Action against Economic Crime in Albania convened its first meeting in Tirana on 30 March 2023, with the beneficiary institutions reaffirming their commitment to the Action’s objectives to enhance the rule of law through effective anti-corruption and anti-money...

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Public officials in Albania strengthen awareness of electronic declaration of private interests of elected subjects and high public officials

15-17 March 2023 Tirana, Albania

The Action against Economic Crime in Albania jointly with the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets and Conflict of Interests (HIDAACI) organized cascade training sessions on 15-17 March 2023, to consolidate the experience of the public officials on legal competences and technical...

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Building capacities on the use of the Central Elections Commission’s online platform for monitoring political parties’ financing and misuse of state resources

23-24 February 2023 Tirana, Albania

The Action against Economic Crime in Albania, in close cooperation with the Central Elections Commission (CEC), organized four trainings on the use and functioning of the CEC’s online platform for monitoring political parties’ financing and misuse of state resources. This platform was developed...

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New Actions against Economic Crime Launched in the Western Balkans and Türkiye

January 2023 Strasbourg, France

In January 2023, the Council of Europe began the implementation of the third phase of the European Union and Council of Europe Joint Programme ‘Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Türkiye’. The Horizontal Facility is a co-operation modality developed by the Council of Europe and the...

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