Back Compliance of whistleblower legislation with international standards in North Macedonia

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The draft Technical Paper on the compliance of the whistleblower legislation with applicable international standards, was presented and discussed through a video conference, with key representatives from the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption, Ministry of Justice and Council of Europe’s expert and Secretariat. The document prepared in the framework of the joint EU and Council of Europe’s Horizontal Facility Action against Economic Crime in North Macedonia offers a comparative analysis of the whistleblower legislation vis-à-vis international standards and provides key recommendations for improvement in the future. During the discussion participants had the opportunity to share valuable feedback and comments to better tailor the recommendations to the country’s context and reform needs.

The Technical Paper will reflect the beneficiaries’ feedback and will be further discussed with a broader audience at a workshop expected to be held in June 2020.

The joint EU and Council of Europe Action against Economic Crime in North Macedonia aims to support key beneficiaries and stakeholders in further alignment of the national legislation with international standards, in particular with the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec (2014)7 and the latest EU Directive on protection of whistleblowers and best practices.

During the meeting was also discussed with the representative of the Ministry of Justice the development of the outline of future Guidelines of the Regulatory Impact Assessment of proposed amendments to the whistleblower legislation.

Video conference 4 May 2020
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