The Commissioner's Human Rights Comments

Back Commissioner Hammarberg continues dialogue on human rights with Portuguese authorities

Strasbourg, 15/03/10 - The Commissioner published today a letter sent to the Deputy Minister of Justice of Portugal, José Magalhäes, on the fight against discrimination, migration policy, the situation of minorities and police behaviour.

The letter follows the Commissioner's visit to Lisbon on 12-13 November 2009 during which he held discussions with the Deputy Minister of Justice, the Secretary of State of European Affairs and the High Commissioner for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue, as well as with NGOs and the Portuguese Bar Association. He also visited the only asylum seekers and refugees reception centre in Portugal and met with migrant communities in the Vale da Amoreira neighbourhood.

While welcoming the broad anti-discrimination protection under the Portuguese Constitution and legislation, the Commissioner expresses concerns about substandard housing conditions of Roma communities and reported widespread discrimination they face. Having noted positive integration measures, the Commissioner urges the authorities to act in order to improve the housing situation of Roma, in accordance with the principles enshrined notably in the European Social Charter.

The Commissioner commends the Portuguese authorities for having established adequate services for immigrants. At the same time he expresses his concern at the effectiveness of the racial discrimination complaint procedure before the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination of the High Commissioner for Immigration and Interethnic Dialogue.

Commissioner Hammarberg is also concerned at the lack of a uniform and expeditious procedure for changing the name and sex of transgender persons on birth certificates and identity documents. He invites the authorities to find appropriate solutions drawing inspiration from his Issue Paper on "Human rights and gender identity" published in July 2009.

Finally, Commissioner Hammarberg recommends ratification by Portugal of Protocol N° 12 to the European Convention on Human Rights.