Specific projects in Lithuania
The Centre of Expertise for Good Governance is supporting Lithuania in ensuring good democratic governance at the local level. It is currently implementing the European Label of Governance Excellence (ELoGE) to help the local authorities measure their performance against the 12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance.
The Centre of Expertise has previously implemented two projects in Lithuania, both of them co-funded by the Council of Europe and DG REFORM of the European Union. The projects aimed to support Lithuania in improving its regulatory framework and increasing the capacity of institutional structures, with a view to strengthening local and regional democracy.
- The first project “Delivering Good Governance in Lithuania” (July 2019 – January 2021) helped the national authorities explore the best options for re-establishing regions as a way to boost development throughout the country. A series of capacity-building tools were implemented to assist local authorities in improving their performance according to the Council of Europe standards of good democratic governance.
- The second project “Establishment of legal, institutional and financial framework at regional (county) level, capacity-building to enhance quality of regional public administration in Lithuania” (October 2020 – December 2022) supported the authorities to set up the architecture that will enable best performance of the re-established regions. It also included carrying out complementary capacity-building activities to help the staff of the new regional structures prepare for implementing the new Lithuanian regional policy.