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Workshop for lawyers on freedom of expression: case studies and legal reasoning, held in Serbia

Under the joint European Union/Council of Europe action “Freedom of expression and freedom of the media in Serbia (JUFREX 2)” a follow up workshop for lawyers was organised  on 30 November and 1 December, in Vrdnik, Serbia.

The event was conceived as an enhanced learning opportunity for lawyers from the Bar Association of Serbia and Vojvodina Bar Association, who attended earlier trainings on freedom of expression.  The workshop was focused on  the Article 10 (Art.10) of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), through the practical exercises on selected cases of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), related to defamation, privacy and safety of journalists.

The participants were engaged in discussion and analysis of selected ECtHR case-law without being presented with the final judgement and tasked to apply the tri-partite test through a trial exercise, through writing and presenting their legal arguments. Upon completion of each case study, the participants were provided with analysis of the actual judgements followed by discussion and analysis of the ECtHR reasoning and dissenting opinions of judges, where applicable.

The workshop contributed to further education of the lawyers on freedom of expression, through applying the theoretical knowledge gained in earlier trainings. As an added value, appreciated by the participants, the workshop was conducive to their better insight in the ECtHR’s proceedings, namely the approach to determine the merits of the case, legality, pursue of legitimate aim and necessity in a democratic society.

Furthermore, the beneficiaries got acquainted with the latest judgements that served as a basis for trial exercises, Milosavljević v Serbia (47274/19), Hurbain v Belgium (57292/16) and Gaši et al v Serbia (24738/19), that raise important considerations in terms of the balance between the right to privacy and or family life and freedom of expression and positive duties in ensuring safety of journalists.

The workshop was organised under  the framework of the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.

Vrdnik 2 December 2022
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