Back HELP model course “Judicial reasoning and human rights” launched in Serbian

HELP model course “Judicial reasoning and human rights” launched in Serbian

57 trainees of the tenth and the eleventh generation of the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia have started the Council of Europe HELP course “Judicial Reasoning and Human Rights”.

The hybrid launch event was addressed by Maja Prelic Simovic, Deputy Director of the Judicial Academy of Serbia. Council of Europe officers presented and shared with the participants an overview of the achievements of the HELP in Western Balkans action and the HELP online platform so far.

In the upcoming period participants of the course will have the opportunity to fully grasp the extent of the right to a fair trial and fully exercise their role in upholding human rights and effectively implementing the European Convention on Human rights (the ECHR) on a domestic level and enhance their knowledge of judicial reasoning and justice quality standards relating to both criminal and non-criminal proceedings (including civil and administrative), case-law and good practices. The course will be tutored by an experienced HELP tutor, Majda Krsikapa, from the Constitutional Court of Serbia.

As of this year the course has been listed as compulsory in the Judicial Academy’s Initial Training Annual Programme. Young legal professionals from Serbia are among the first groups which are attending the updated version of the HELP course, which was launched in February 2022. The development and subsequent course’s national adaptation and implementation are a continuation of actions’ efforts on strengthening capacity of jurists to effectively implement ECHR and standards arising from the ECtHR case-law on the domestic level.

The course is being implemented in co-operation with the Judicial Academy within the actions "HELP in the Western Balkans“ and "Strengthening the effective legal remedies to human rights violations in Serbia”, implemented under the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022".

Belgrade 18 October 2022
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What is the goal?


As part of the Council of Europe Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals, the Action “HELP in the Western Balkans” contributes to a better protection of fundamental rights at the national and regional level. The overall goal is to help legal professionals - who are at the forefront of the protection of human rights - to gain a better understanding of fundamental human rights standards, and of how to apply these standards in their daily work. The Action involves the National Training Institutions for judges and prosecutors, as well as Bar Associations from the Western Balkans in the broader HELP Network, which covers the 47 member States of the Council of Europe, and beyond.


Who benefits from the project?


Legal and other (justice) professionals from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia are benefiting from HELP Action, offering a wide range of online courses on various human rights topics. The courses are open to law students/future practitioners via the HELP e-learning platform, can be adapted to local contexts, and tailored for both practitioners and trainers.


How will the Action  work?


In cooperation with key local actors, HELP develops and implements a variety of online courses focusing on the fundamental human rights for legal and other (justice) professionals. The courses provide high quality and European best practices as they have been developed with leading experts from the Council of Europe, including lawyers from the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights.

The courses are interactive and practical, aiming to enhance practitioners’ knowledge, skills and attitudes in regard to European fundamental human rights standards and how these standards should be applied in concrete situations. The HELP methodologies are easily adapted to Beneficiaries’ legislation & context. The regional dimension provides an opportunity for training institutions to share best practices on human rights methodology. Moreover, it facilitates the regional exchange of knowledge on fundamental rights standards among legal professionals.


What do we expect to achieve?


The Action ‘HELP in the Western Balkans’ contributes in a more efficient and effective application of fundamental rights standards at the local level by:

  •  enhancing the capacity of legal professionals for an effective and coherent application of European standards for the protection of fundamental human rights in their daily work;
  • strengthening the capacity of local actors such as national training institutions for judges and prosecutors, Bar Associations and universities to provide high quality training in the field.

How much will it cost?


  • the total budget of the Action is 800.000 EUR;
  •  the budget allocated to the overall Horizontal Facility programme amounts to ca. 41 million EUR (85% funded by the European Union, 15% by the Council of Europe).

How do we get more information?


  •  Council of Europe HELP e-learning platform:   
  •  Council of Europe Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP): website: 
  • Horizontal Facility website: 
  •  Marija Simić, Horizontal Facility Communication Officer, [email protected], +381 63 601 337
  • Besnik Baka, Horizontal Facility Communication Officer, [email protected], +355 69 217 8430