Back Internet Governance Forum: the Council of Europe presents its instruments on content regulation

Internet Governance Forum: the Council of Europe presents its instruments on content regulation

A delegation from the Council of Europe participated in the Digital Future Workshops, organised on 4 July 2019 in Paris as a part of the French initiative of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Dedicated to developing a forward-looking digital approach in a broad sense during a series of meetings, the work of this day aimed to clarify the directions taken in the messages of the global IGF organized in Paris in November 2018 and to bring new messages to the attention of the international community underway for the next IGF, to be held in Berlin in November 2019. The day was marked by plenary sessions, keynotes and 12 Digital Future Workshops, organized around 4 courses:

  • Responsible digital
  • Digital excluding or digital inclusive?
  • The Internet between Governance and Regulation
  • The data at the center of Digital

Jan Kleijssen, the Director of the Information Society and Action against Crime, spoke in a plenary session to present the point of view of the Council of Europe, the challenges of regulating online content, and to promote the relevant instruments of the Organization such as the Recommendation to Member States on the roles and responsibilities of Internet intermediaries.

Artemiza Chisca, the Head of the Media and Internet Governance Division, participated in the "Information and Quality Content" workshop, referring to the latest Council of Europe instruments in the field such as the study on "Information disorder ", the Declarations of the Committee of Ministers on “quality journalism” and the “manipulative capabilities of algorithmic processes” as well as the Recommendation on media pluralism.

The French Internet Governance Forum (IGF) brings together stakeholders from the public and private sectors, the technical community, the media, academics, civil society and international organizations. The IGF also aims to facilitate the development of a common strategy to maximize the opportunities offered by the internet and to address the risks and challenges that arise, as well as to shape digital decision making both at the national and international level.

Paris 04/07/2019
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