Back AI Ecosystem in Montreal: Council of Europe study visit

Patrick-Thierry Grenier, Deputy Minister of Justice of Quebec (left), Jan Kleijssen (center), Gilles Lajoie, Executive Director of the Société québécoise de l'information juridique (right)

Patrick-Thierry Grenier, Deputy Minister of Justice of Quebec (left), Jan Kleijssen (center), Gilles Lajoie, Executive Director of the Société québécoise de l'information juridique (right)

Jan Kleijssen, Director of Information Society - Action against Crime, was invited to the annual meeting of the ACT project (Autonomy through Cyberjustice Technologies) to present the work of the Council of Europe on the regulation of artificial intelligence.


A programme of meetings with different actors in the AI ecosystem in Montreal, coordinated with the Cyberjustice laboratory of the Université de Montréal, gathered the views of many AI actors on the future work of the Council of Europe. In particular, discussions with Patrick Thierry Grenier, Deputy Minister of Justice of Quebec, explored the feasibility and potential elements of a legal framework for the development, design and application of artificial intelligence.

montreal 12-13/06/2019
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Towards an application of AI based on human rights, the rule of law and democracy