Regional conference in Georgia: a shared vision for improved local governance

co-operation 6 December 2017 Tbilisi, Georgia

“We need to make municipalities more transparent and open, basing our work on the principle of participatory democracy. We have the opportunity here to improve our governance, to meet the standards of our citizens and move closer to those of Europe” emphasised Zurab ALAVIDZE, Minister of...

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EU Ambassador Janos Herman: “The Partnership for good governance serves our common goals”

co-operation 6 December 2017 Tbilisi, Georgia

Ambassador Janos HERMAN, the European Union Delegation to Georgia, addressed the participants of the regional conference on ‘Ethics and transparency at local level: strategies and tools’ at the opening on 6 December 2017 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The event was organised by the Congress of Local and...

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Andreas Kiefer: “Mayors and councillors are the knots of the net of democracy”

co-operation 6 December 2017 Tbilisi, Georgia

Opening the conference on “Ethics and transparency at local level: strategies and tools”, in Tbilisi, on 6 December 2017, Congress Secretary General Andreas Kiefer underlined the key elements for a successful local self-government: an adequate legislative framework, mayors and elected...

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Local Initiatives in Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine: Assessment and Sharing of Experiences in Tbilisi

co-operation 5 December 2017 Tbilisi, Georgia

A workshop on "local Initiatives: managing and communicating change", held on 5 December 2017, in Tbilisi (Georgia) brought together Mayors and project co-ordinators that have been implementing local initiatives to strengthen ethical governance in their communities. This event served as a means...

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Tbilisi: Local initiatives - Conference and workshop Exhibition on local initiatives

In December 2014, the Council of Europe and the European Union signed the Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and Belarus, for the period covering 2015-2017.

The Congress of the Council of Europe, in close co-operation with the Directorate General for Democracy, is responsible for the implementation of the thematic component “Strengthening institutional frameworks for local governance”.

Council of Europe Headquarters in Strasbourg
Ms Marité Moras, Head of Unit, Co-operation and External Relations Department
[email protected]

Council of Europe Office in Chisinau
Mr Ion Beschieru, Programme Manager
[email protected]