Indietro What challenges for social cohesion following the covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine

What challenges for social cohesion following the covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine

The seminar “Social Cohesion: Challenges anew”, organised by the European Committee for Social Cohesion of the Council of Europe (CCS), will be held on Wednesday, 23 November 2022 in Strasbourg, France and via videoconference.

The main objective of the seminar is to discuss the current challenges to social cohesion, posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the on-going war in Ukraine, and to suggest possible policy level responses to mitigate the social and economic consequences. It is also meant to be an opportunity for some forward-thinking about the benefits of the transition to a green economy as one of the ways of overcoming current and future crises.

It will consist of three successive panel sessions.

  • Panel Session 1: Post-pandemic recovery: Challenges and prospects

During the first session, discussions will focus on the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and post pandemic recovery policies and practices. Participants will discuss (i) national policies, best practices and lessons learnt from the pandemic and (ii) challenges and prospects linked to the post-pandemic recovery phase and how to preserve social cohesion.

  • Panel Session 2: Current challenges to social cohesion: the social and economic consequences of the russian aggression against Ukraine

During the second panel session discussions will focus on (i) the challenges to social cohesion resulting from the war in Ukraine. Participants will discuss social and economic problems emanating from this crisis. (ii) Discussions will also focus on the current situation of migration flows and how to integrate Ukrainians into receiving communities. Resilience, reconstruction and recovery plans will be discussed from the perspective of social and economic responses.

  • Panel Session 3: Transition to a green economy

Third session will derive from the realisation, amplified by the energy crisis linked to the conflict, that (i) transition to a green economy has become a pressing need. But how do we ensure that transition to a green economy does not jeopardise social cohesion? (ii) Developing sustainable infrastructure for greening the economy is high on the agenda. In what way are countries and organisations responding to infrastructure development that is designed, implemented and maintained from a holistic perspective?"

The seminar will be followed by the 2nd meeting of the European Committee for Social Cohesion (CCS) on Thursday, 24 November 2022 in Strasbourg, France and via videoconference.

  Concept note and Programme

Strasbourg, France 23/11/2022
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