Indietro New complaint concerning France

New complaint concerning France

The complaint was registered on 14 March 2023. It concerns Articles 3 (the right to safe and healthy working conditions), 4 (right to a fair remuneration), 11 (the right to protection of health) and 12 (right to social security) of the revised European Social Charter. FNME-CGT alleges that by implementing a new mechanism for the medical supervision of workers in the electricity and gas industries, which, on the one hand, gives the employers' medical advisers the power to cancel sick leave granted to workers by their own doctors, and which, on the other hand, establishes a board for friendly settlements which is not independent, France has infringed the right to safe working conditions, the right to a fair remuneration, the right to protection of health and the right to social security of the workers concerned, in violation of the aforementioned provisions of the Charter.


Strasbourg 27/03/2023
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Council of Europe
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