Zurück The Secretariat of the Cultural Routes Programme of the Council of Europe meets the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies

The Secretariat of the Cultural Routes Programme of the Council of Europe meets the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies

On 14 March, the Secretariat of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme held a meeting with the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies to discuss activities in the context of the Presidency of Luxembourg of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in november.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was represented by Mr Daniel MANZONI and Mr David WEIS, and the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies was represented by Ms Ines LUNA and Mr Cédric SCARPELLINI. Mr Gusty GRAAS, Chairman of the Luxembourg Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, was also present.

At this meeting, the Secretariat of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme had the opportunity to present the activities of the EPA and the IEIC, and to formulate proposals for activities during the meeting of the Chamber of Deputies to be held in November 2024. The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss the visibility and communication initiatives of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme for this event.


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