15-17 March 2022 
 72nd Meeting of the COMEX

28 March - 1 April 2022
 On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to Germany

2 - 6 May 2022
 On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to Switzerland

16 - 20 May 2022
 On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to Sweden

13-15 June 2022 
 73rd Meeting of the COMEX

28 June - 1 July 2022
On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to the Netherlands

 17-21 October 2022
On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to Austria

24-28 October 2022
On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to Serbia

14-18 November 2022 
 74th Meeting of the COMEX

Calendar 2021

22-26 March 2021 
 68th Meeting of the COMEX

14-17 June 2021
 On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to Poland

29 June 2021
 Conference on "Council of Europe norms and standards of the Council of Europe related to the rights of national minority: Results and challenges” organised by the Hungarian Presidency and the Council of Europe

30 June - 1 July 2021
 69th Meeting of the COMEX

5-9 July 2021
 On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to Ukraine

6-7 July 2021
 On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to Cyprus

23-27 August 2021
 On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to Norway

7 September 2021
 Conference on "National minority rights on the agenda of NGOs and research institutes", organised by the Hungarian Presidency and the Council of Europe
European Youth Centre, Budapest

26 September 2021
 European Day of Languages

29 September - 1 October 2021
 70th Meeting of the COMEX

16-19 November 2021 
 71st Meeting of the COMEX

7-9 December 2021
On-the-spot visit of a COMEX delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

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ГД II – Директорат по вопросам демократического управлениа и антидискриминации
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