Zpět Seminar on the role of the Georgian Parliament in implementing standards of the European Convention of Human Rights

Seminar on the role of the Georgian Parliament in implementing standards of the European  Convention of Human Rights

On 8 and 9 November, the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights participated in the above seminar in Strasbourg organised by the Council of Europe in the context of a study visit by Georgian MPs. The department's representatives made presentations and held exchanges with the Georgian delegation on how to enhance Parliament's role in the execution of the Strasbourg Court's judgments.

Drawing upon major recommendations issued by the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly the department's delegation highlighted the vital role played by MPs in the execution process and provided MPs with advice on how to reinforce their input and impact in this domain.

Participants also included representatives of the Supreme Court, Minsitry of Justice, Chief Prosecutor’s Office and Public Defender’s Office.

 Country factsheet for Georgia

Strasbourg 12 November 2018
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