Назад Neurotechnologies and Human Rights Framework: Do We Need New Rights?

Neurotechnologies and Human Rights Framework: Do We Need New Rights?

The round table “Neurotechnologies and Human Rights framework: Do we need new rights?” will take place online on 09 November 2021 (10.00 – 17.00 CET).

The event is co-organised by the Council of Europe and the OECD, with the participation of UNESCO. It is held in the context of the launch of the Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan on Human Rights and Technologies in Biomedicine (2020-2025) and the implementation of the 2019 OECD Recommendation on Responsible Innovation in Neurotechnology.

The discussion of the round table will tackle the most pertinent questions raised with application of neurotechnologies in medical and non-medical fields from the standpoint of human rights, such as privacy, freedom, integrity and non-discrimination.

More information is available on the event, including Report of the Council of Europe on Common Human Rights Challenges raised by Different Applications of Neurotechnologies in the Biomedical Field, the Programme of the event, and the Registration form.


Strasbourg 9 november 2021
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