
 Needs assessment report, prepared for the 'Support for the improvement of the execution of the European Court judgments by Azerbaijan, 2023


 Needs Assessment Report on Regulation Victim Offender Mediation in Georgia 2023

 Assessment report on quality assurance of legal aid provision in Georgia 2023

 Georgia Legal Aid - John Eames-Needs Assessment Report 2023

 Needs assessment for Parliamentary oversight over the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, 2020

 Needs assessment report, 2015


 Report on the corruption risk assessment within the public prosecution service in the Republic of Moldova, 2016

 Needs assessment report on the functioning of the national preventive mechanism of the Republic of Moldova, 2015

 Report on the Situation in the Republic of Moldova on Civil Control over Respect for Human Rights in Detention Facilities, 2016: ENG - RON


 Needs assessment report, 2014

North Macedonia

 Assessment on application of detention measures in the Republic of North Macedonia


 Report on human rights education and training for judges in Serbia

 Needs assessment on the execution of the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights in relation to Serbia, 2020: ENG - SRP 


 Needs assessments report and recommendations of action for Turkish criminal justice system, 2014: ENG - TUR

 Needs Assessment Report on the Individual Application to the Constitutional Court of Turkey, 2014: ENG - TUR


 Assessment of the free secondary legal aid system in Ukraine in the light of Council of Europe standards and best practices, 2016: ENG - UKR

 Comparative table on the execution of functions similar to the ones in the area of supervision of adherence and application of laws, which are under the authority of the public prosecution service of Ukraine, in other Council of Europe member states, 2013:   ENG - UKR

 Thematic Directory of the principles for a draft Law on the Public Prosecution Office of Ukraine, 2013: ENG - UKR