You have the right to private and family life on the Internet which includes the protection of your personal data and respect for the confidentiality of your correspondence and communications.

This means:

You should be aware that in using the Internet your personal data is regularly processed. This happens when you use services such as browsers, email, instant messages, voice-over Internet protocols, social networks and search engines and cloud data storage services.

Public authorities and private companies have an obligation to respect specific rules and procedures when they process your personal data.

Your personal data should only be processed when laid down by law or when you have consented to it. You should be informed of what personal data are processed and/or transferred to third parties, when, by whom and for what purpose. Generally, you should be able to exercise control over your personal data (check its accuracy, request a correction, a deletion or that personal data is kept for no longer than necessary).

You must not be subjected to general surveillance or interception measures. In exceptional circumstances, which are prescribed by law, your privacy with regard to your personal data may be interfered with, such as for a criminal investigation. Accessible, clear and precise information about the relevant law or policy and your rights in this regard should be made available to you.

Your privacy must also be respected in the workplace. This includes the confidentiality of your private online correspondence and communications. Your employer must inform you of any surveillance and/or monitoring carried out.

You can be assisted by data protection authorities, which exist in a vast majority of European countries, to ensure that data protection laws and principles are upheld.

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Internet Users Rights

In Brief
Users´ personal data should only be processed when they have consented to it or it is laid down by law. Users should be informed of what personal data are processed or transferred to other parties, when, by whom, for what purpose, and to exercise control over them. Users should not be subjected to general surveillance or interception measures, apart from exceptional circumstances prescribed by law, such as a criminal investigation.
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