Access to the Internet is an important means for you to exercise your rights and freedoms and to participate in democracy. You should therefore not be disconnected from the Internet against your will, except when it is decided by a court. In certain cases, contractual arrangements may also lead to discontinuation of service but this should be a measure of last resort.

Your access should be affordable and non-discriminatory. You should have the greatest possible access to Internet content, applications and services using the devices of your choice.

You should expect public authorities to make reasonable efforts and to take specific measures to facilitate your access to the Internet if you live in rural and geographically remote areas, are on a low income and/or have special needs or disabilities.

In your interactions with public authorities, Internet service providers and providers of online content and services, or with other users or groups of users, you must not be discriminated against on any grounds such as gender, race, colour, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status, including ethnicity, age or sexual orientation.

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Internet Users Rights

In Brief
Access is an enabler to exercise other human rights. As a general principle, users should not be disconnected from the internet against their will, except when it is decided by a court.
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