The Enter! project has its main core in the Long-Term Training Course (LTTC) for youth workers on access to social rights for all young people.The experiences of the training course will have a particularly important role in informing other activities of the project, by bringing the direct input of youth workers and young people and by bridging experiences from the European to the local level.

This is a complementary training offering youth workers who undertake activities with young people that experience disadvantage the opportunity:
  • to gain insights into how the European level and engagement with policy actors can support their efforts to empower young people, and,
  • to promote access to social rights for young people, in an effort of overcoming the disadvantage young people face due to exclusion, violence and discrimination.

The LTTC is a European level complementary training for youth workers, which aims to develop their competences in designing and implementing responses, projects, partnerships in support of youth-led initiatives that promote access to social rights and overcome discrimination, exclusion and violence.

The objectives of the course are:

  • To introduce participants to evidence based needs analysis, to socio-educational project designing, management, implementation and evaluation
  • To support participants to develop socio-educational projects with young people that promote access to social rights and overcome discrimination, exclusion and violence
  • To develop participants’ understanding and knowledge of the human rights framework and the policy fields and mechanisms that are relevant to the situation of young people with whom they work, from the local to the European level;
  • To support participants in using human rights based approaches and human rights education in their youth work
  • To develop participants’ competence and confidence for engaging with policy makers and other actors in the youth and social policy fields for improving access to social rights for young people;
  • To contribute to the social and educational recognition of youth work and non-formal education in participants’ realities and at European level.

Throughout the course and as a result of its educational process, participants will:

  • Improve their core competences in the areas related to the course curriculum;
  • Follow an experiential learning cycle, from needs assessment to evaluation of learning;
  • Design, implement and evaluate socio-educational projects with young people that promote access to social rights and overcome discrimination, exclusion and violence;
  • Receive institutional and educational support to develop projects with young people, as increased visibility for their youth work activities;
  • Increase their organisations’ capacity on the topic of improving access to social rights for young people within and with the resources of their local community;
  • Develop dialogue and partnership with local and regional authorities and with civic society organisations;
  • Exchange practices with other youth workers from different contexts and networks among each other, for instance in international projects on access to social rights for young people;
  • Participants are associated to other Enter! project initiatives and more broadly to the Council of Europe’s work in the area of youth and social policies;
  • Receive social and educational recognition for their involvement in the training course;
  • Improve their competences in using European programmes for youth work and tools at the local level.

The LTTC is composed of four phases, which participants need to follow:

Preparatory phase January – March 2013

This phase will include preparatory activities for the course. Participants will get to know each other and develop an analysis of social rights related policies in their realities.

First residential seminar

10 – 23 March 2013, European Youth Centre Strasbourg

The residential seminar is an essential element of the course, allowing for participants to improve their competences on the key course curriculum elements and to kick of their projects, by reviewing and developing their project idea.

Project development phase and on-going learning

April 2013 – September 2014

During this phase, participants will implement local youth-led projects in cooperation with local authorities and civil society.

Evaluation residential seminar

4 - 15 September 2014, European Youth Centre Strasbourg

During this evaluation seminar, participants will evaluate their learning and the impact of their projects for the young people which were involved in their project. The seminar will also include training elements in order to consolidate participants’ competences development.

During the training course, each participant is expected to develop a local youth-led project based on active participation of young people and addressing specific challenges that young people face in their access to social rights, and as a consequences of the negative effects of discrimination, violence and exclusion.

Projects provide the practical basis for learning about how to promote the social rights of young people and how best to use youth research for youth policy action. They should be implemented in co-operation with local or regional authorities.
Through the involvement of local authorities, other organisations and various actors in the social field, the projects aim at bringing real change and impact at community level concerning the access to social rights of the young people. The community awareness of the project is also important to secure the sustainability of the project and its support by the local authorities.