
The situation of migrants in Europe has deteriorated, marked by push-backs, deaths, poor reception conditions and restrictive policies. The Commissioner focuses on improving the rights of migrants in line with states’ obligations under human rights law, including access to asylum and essential services.

Protecting the Defenders: Ending repression of human rights defenders assisting refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in Europe (2024)

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English | French
Introduction and recommendations:
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Pushed beyond the limits: Four areas of urgent action to end human rights violations at Europe's borders (2022)

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 English | French

A distress call for human rights. The widening gap in migrant
protection in the Mediterranean (2021)

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 English | French | Italian | Spanish

Lives saved. Rights protected. (2019)

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English | French Italian | Spanish

Realising the right to family reunification of refugees in Europe (2017)

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English | French