Контент с тегом roma .



Соединенное Королевство: парламентариям следует отвергнуть ограничения на мирные демонстрации, криминализацию цыган, народностей рома и кочующих общин.

05/07/2021 Страсбург

В письме, адресованном Палате общин и Палате лордов Великобритании, Комиссар призвала парламентариев отказаться от ограничений на мирные демонстрации, содержащихся в законопроекте о полиции, преступности, вынесении приговоров и судах. Она также настоятельно призывает их отклонить новое...

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Отчет о посещении страны

Республика Молдова должна ратифицировать Стамбульскую конвенцию, усилить меры по противодействию ненавистническим высказываниям, расширить доступ к качественному здравоохранению и доступному жилью, а также развивать инклюзивное общество

25/06/2020 Страсбург

Комиссар Совета Европы по правам человека Дуня Миятович опубликовала сегодня доклад о своем визите в Молдову, состоявшемся в марте этого года, с рекомендациями в области насилия в отношении женщин и домашнего насилия, прав детей, лиц с инвалидностью и цыган, а также в вопросах противодействия...

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Отчет о посещении страны

Необходима более решительная борьба с расизмом, гендерными стереотипами, а также расширение свободы СМИ в Болгарии

31/03/2020 Страсбург

Сегодня Комиссар Совета Европы по правам человека, Дуня Миятович, опубликовала отчет о визите в Болгарию, который она совершила в ноябре 2019 г. Доклад посвящен проблемам расизма, проявлениям нетерпимости и дискриминации, вопросам, связанным с насилием в отношении женщин и домашним насилием, а...

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Извлечь правильные уроки из Холокоста рома-цыган

01/08/2019 Страсбург

OpenDemocracy, 01/08/2019 2 августа мы будем отмечать годовщину Холокоста рома-цыган, совершенного во время Второй мировой войны. Это важный повод вновь обратить внимание на эту в значительной степени игнорируемую страницу недавней истории Европы. И по-прежнему крайне важно противостоять глубоко...

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Отчет о визите в страну

Албании следует продолжать совершенствовать систему защиты детей и инклюзивный подход в отношении людей с инвалидностью

13/09/2018 Страсбург

“В Албании улучшились система защиты детей и инклюзивный подход в отношении людей с инвалидностью, но властям по-прежнему следует работать над оставшимися недостатками в этих областях», - сказала сегодня Комиссар Совета Европы по правам человека Дуня Миятович, опубликовав доклад о ее визите в...

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Country visit report

Switzerland should reinforce its human rights protection framework and better respond to the needs of vulnerable migrants

17/10/2017 Strasbourg

Reinforcing the institutional and legal framework for safeguarding and promoting human rights and enhancing the protection of migrants and asylum seekers are the key recommendations addressed to the Swiss authorities by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks, in a...

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Отчет о посещении страны

Словения должна продолжать свои усилия по защите уязвимых групп населения

11/07/2017 Strasbourg

«В последние годы Словения предприняла ряд инициатив, направленных на решение основных вопросов в области прав человека, касающихся мигрантов, рома-цыган, «вычеркнутых лиц» и людей, живущих в условиях нищеты. Крайне важно укреплять эти усилия для обеспечения того, чтобы никто не остался без...

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Country visit report

Ireland should remove obstacles to the equality of Travellers, women and children

29/03/2017 Strasbourg

“The Irish government should ensure that the economic upturn benefits the most vulnerable groups and should promote equality of Travellers, women and children by removing the barriers that disproportionately hinder them from fully enjoying their rights”, said the Council of Europe Commissioner...

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Exchange of letters with the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic on the human rights of Roma and persons with disabilities

04/11/2016 Strasbourg

Today Commissioner Muižnieks published a letter he addressed to Mr Bohuslav Sobotka, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, focusing on certain issues pertaining to the human rights of Roma and of persons with disabilities. In his letter the Commissioner notably reiterates his recommendation to...

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Letter to the Prime Minister of Romania

23/08/2016 Strasbourg

In a letter to the Prime Minister of Romania published today, Commissioner Muižnieks requested updating information from the Romanian authorities concerning certain major issues affecting the human rights of Romania’s Roma population. This dialogue follows up on the Commissioner’s visit report to...

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Roma evictions: Europe's silent scandal

OpenDemocracy, 29 June 2016 Few people are more caricatured and stigmatised in media and political discourse by stereotypes, sensationalism and myths than Roma, by far the largest minority in Europe. Many Europeans believe that Roma choose to live in shanty camps in abject conditions, and that it...

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European countries must stop forced evictions of Roma

16/02/2016 Strasbourg

“Many Roma continue to face serious forms of discrimination and human rights violations by authorities at both national and local levels. In particular, forced evictions without due process and provision of adequate alternative housing continue unabated across Europe, in violation of member...

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Country visit report

Belgium should speed up the social inclusion of persons with disabilities

28/01/2016 Strasbourg

Read the report “Belgium is failing to uphold the rights of persons with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community. Planned measures to improve the situation should be implemented as a matter of priority” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for...

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Commissioner Muižnieks urges the Czech authorities to adopt the bill on reparations for involuntary sterilisation of Roma women

22/10/2015 Strasbourg

“I regret the Czech government’s decision not to proceed with the adoption of the law allowing the granting of compensation to the Roma women who were victims of forced sterilisations,” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, making public a letter addressed to...

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Country visit report

Slovakia: Roma, LGBTI persons, and persons with disabilities need more protection

13/10/2015 Strasbourg

“Slovakia has to step up its efforts aimed at combating and eradicating discrimination in law and practice, and take effective measures to improve the protection of Roma, persons with disabilities and LGBTI persons,” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights,...

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Country visit report

Norway: people with disabilities and Roma need more attention

18/05/2015 Strasbourg

Read the report “Norway has a strong human rights architecture, but more attention should be given to the empowerment of people with disabilities and the full inclusion of Roma” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, while publishing a report based on his...

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Ending Roma segregation in Italy

La Repubblica, 8 April 2015 Few topics attract more emotional reaction than debates about the Roma. Stereotypes, sensationalism and myths often take the precedence on facts. Many people seem to believe that Roma choose to live at the margin of society, in shanty camps in abject conditions; that...

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Visit to Serbia

Serbia urged to safeguard the human rights of persons with disabilities and displaced Roma

20/03/2015 Belgrade

«Serbia needs to take immediate steps to address serious issues relating to the right to legal capacity of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities and their de-institutionalisation in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by which Serbia is bound»...

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Visit report

France: persistent discrimination endangers human rights

17/02/2015 Strasbourg

Read the report “Despite advances in legislation and measures to combat intolerance and racism, discrimination and hate speech not only persist in France but are on the rise. There is an urgent need to combat this in a sustained and systematic manner,” Nils Muižnieks, the Council of Europe...

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Report on visit to Hungary

Hungary: progress needed on media freedom, anti-discrimination measures and migrants’ rights

16/12/2014 Strasbourg

“Hungary should better ensure media freedom, combat widespread intolerance and discrimination, and improve the protection of the human rights of migrants” said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, while releasing a report based on the findings of his July visit...

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