Minsk , 

Council of Europe and the Ministry of Health of Belarus will hold a seminar on bioethics for representatives of executive, legislative and judicial authorities, as well as professionals in the legal and health field. The seminar will be held in the framework of the implementation of the Council of Europe Action plan for Belarus 2016-2017. The goal of the event is to raise awareness and promote the Council of Europe’s human rights standards in the biomedical field and to identify possible topics for future cooperation in the context of the Action Plan. It will touch upon the instruments of the Council of Europe on biomedical research, transplantation and genetic testing as well as relevant developments in Belarus. Special attention will be paid to the elaboration of a training course in bioethics for both legal and health professionals under the Council of Europe HELP programme. The event will take place at the Republican Scientific Medical Library (Fabritsius Str. 28, Minsk).

More information about the event and the work of the Council of Europe on bioethics.

Contact: Tatiana Baeva, tel. +33 685 11 64 93


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