European Youth Centre - 30 Rue Pierre de Coubertin
67000 Strasbourg – France

Strasbourg, 7 - 12 July 2019

Direct links

Programme ENG / FR

 Enter! recommendation in brief ENG / FR

List of participants 

 Enter! message to the Council of Europe ENG / FR / IT

 Enter! Youth Week report ENG / FR

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The "Enter! Youth Week, Nos droits, notre vie",  will associate young people and youth workers to review the process of the implementation of the recommendation by the member states and other partners. The week should also be an example of young people’s participation in the Council of Europe’s mission and work.

In 2019 the Joint Council on Youth is reviewing how the recommendation is being applied in youth policy and youth work across the member states and what impact it has on young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

The review includes a meeting with young people so that they can directly discuss the findings and recommendations from the review process. This is the key purpose of the Enter! Youth Week.

Youth workers and young people will share experiences concerning access to social rights from a local point of view. These experiences will then be taken into account at national and European level so as to improve the outcomes and findings of the Enter! Recommendation review process. The week will bring together some 300 young people and youth workers, along with representatives of youth organisations and local authorities promoting access of young people to their rights.

This event is being organised at the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe, with the support of the city of Strasbourg, the French Ministry of Education and Youth and the European Youth Forum in the framework of the French Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers.

Enter ! Youth week in pictures

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Enter ! Youth Week