Recommendations on Sport policies (in chronological order)

 Recommendation of the of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the Revised European Sports Charter (CM/Rec(2021)5)

 Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on extreme martial arts and combat activities (CM/Rec(2021)3)

Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the promotion of good governance in sport (CM/Rec(2018)12)

Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on gender mainstreaming in sport (15/2)

Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the protection of child and young athletes from dangers associated with migration (12/10)

Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on promotion of the integrity of sport against manipulation of results, notably match-fixing (11/10)
Explanatory Memorandum(11/116 add final)

Recommendation on the principle of autonomy of sport in Europe (2011/3)

Recommendation on the revised Code of Sports Ethics (2010/9)

Resolution: The need to preserve the European Sport Model (1602 (2008))

Recommendation on the principles of good governance in sport (2005/8)

Recommendation on improving physical education and sport for children and young people in all European countries (2003/6)

Recommendation on the prevention of racism, xenophobia and racial intolerance in sport (2001/6)

Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to Member states on the Code of sustainability in sport: a partnership between sport and the environment (2000/17)