Back Workshop on Monitoring Police Custody Completed

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© Council of Europe

On 9-12 July the project team organised a workshop on Monitoring Police Custody with professionals of the National Preventive Mechanism against Torture (NPM), Ombudsperson’s staff from regional offices and the most relevant non-governmental organisations in the field of prevention of torture and ill-treatment in Kosovo*[1]. The workshop was delivered by two prominent international experts - Ms Ilvija Puce, member of the European Committee for Prevention of Torture (CPT) in respect of Latvia and Mr George Tugushi, who was CPT member in respect of Georgia until recently.

On the first day, participants were trained in the international standards on monitoring police custody, including prevention of ill-treatment, use of force, material conditions, conducting interrogations and combating impunity through complaints procedures. The second days was reserved for planning and organisation of the visit, and training on collecting information and interviewing techniques along with drafting visit reports and follow up activities.

last two days trainees were provided with direct coaching during the monitoring visits to police stations in the region of Pejë, in western part of i Kosovo*, including municipalities Klinë, Istog, Pejë and Deçan. Participants had an opportunity to assess material conditions in holding cells, to check registers, interview inmates and staff and communicate findings with police station commanders. Monitoring aspects included treatment of persons during the arrest, and further transport and placement in holding cells for 48 hours, during the interrogation and finally during the transfer and admission to pre-trail detention facility. Particular emphasize was given to availability of principal safeguards against ill- treatment including access to lawyer, access to doctor and notification of families on detention as well as to assessment of material conditions including hygiene, bedding, light, ventilation, food and sanitary facilities.

The training on Monitoring Police Custody was seventh completed workshop out 14 in total foreseen to be delivered within the comprehensive training program Monitoring Places of Deprivation of Liberty. The program was designed for capacity building of the NPM and sectorial professionals through the project “Strengthening the National Preventive Mechanism in Kosovo*” funded by the Council of Europe, Swiss and Norwegian governments and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Pejë 9-12 July 2018
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"All reference to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation’s Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo."