The Enter! Recommendation on access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights proposes the development on policies taking into consideration this specific situation and needs. Such policies should aim at preventing and eradicating the poverty, discrimination, violence and exclusion faced by young people.

The Joint Council on Youth adopted in 2016 a strategy to support the implementation of the recommendation in member states based on:

  • Supporting the development and learning potential of youth work projects addressing situations of social exclusion, discrimination and violence
  • Developing the competences of youth workers to implement projects for access to social rights with young people
  • Enhancing cooperation of civil society actors and young people with local and/or regional authorities as partners in ensuring access to social rights on a local level
  • Advocating for the implementation of the Enter! Recommendation through public policies.
  • A “soft monitoring” of the implementation of the recommendation in member states.

On the same occasion, the Joint Council on Youth adopted the principle of carrying out a first review of the recommendation’s implementation in 2019. This review includes:

  • measures taken by the member states and, where possible, the results achieved;
  • projects and initiatives of youth organisations;
  • plans and/or projects carried out by or with local authorities;
  • an analysis of the practices and projects shared in the database of good practices.

The review process connects with the Enter! Youth Week, a large-scale meeting to which youth work practitioners, local authorities and young people will be invited.

The review process is based on data and input from all partners concerned by the recommendation which should be collected from surveys, desk research and focus groups of young people and youth workers. It is based on a survey, desk research and interviews.

The results of the review will be examinated by the Joint Council on Youth in October 2019.