2016 Report on the State of Citizenship and Human Rights Education in Europe

Questionnaire filled in by the Ministry of Education


Q1 Would you agree that citizenship and human rights education is a means to address…

a) … violent extremism and radicalisation leading to terrorism?
To a medium extent

b) … integration of migrants and refugees?
To a medium extent

c) … consequences of the economic crisis / austerity measures / social exclusion?
To a medium extent

d) … the deficit of democratic participation of both vulnerable and non-vulnerable groups in society with the overall aim of building cohesive and equitable societies?
To a medium extent

Q2 In your country, is priority given to…

a) … EDC/HRE at national government level
To a large extent

b) … EDC/HRE at local government level
To a fair extent

c) … EDC/HRE at educational institution level (school, college, university)
To a large extent

d) … supporting training about EDC/HRE for teachers and school leaders
To a fair extent

e) … making resources / materials about EDC/HRE available
To a little extent

f) … making financial support for EDC/HRE available
To a little extent

g) … supporting co-operation with NGOs, including youth organisations, in the field of EDC/HRE?
To a fair extent

Further comments
Montenegrin Constitution set the framework for the other laws that detailed propose human rights. Also, in education system The General law put the basis for the overall system related to this area.

Q3 What is needed for citizenship and human rights education to receive a greater priority in your country?

a) Improved awareness of relevance of EDC/HRE for meeting the current challenges in our societies
To a fair extent

b) Availability of data on effectiveness of EDC/HRE with respect to meeting the current challenges in our societies, including examples of good practice
To a fair extent

c) Advocacy by civil society organisations
To a fair extent

d) Advocacy by prominent personalities
To a large extent

e) Increased visibility of EDC/HRE in the media coverage
To a large extent

f) Political will
To a fair extent

g) Political pressure from regional and international institutions
To a fair extent

h) More resources allotted to EDC/HRE
To a fair extent

i) Other

Please specify “other”

Further comments
Montenegro is in the EU pre-accession negotiation process, and chapters 23 and 24 cover this area. Action plans developed, as well as monitoring mechanism of implementation.

Q4 In your country, are there any inconsistencies between...

a)…statements of principle (on the value of EDC/HRE in education for all people) and existing education policies?
To a little extent

b)…EDC/HRE policies and their implementation in practice?
To a little extent

c)…EDC/HRE policies and other policy sectors?
To a little extent

Please describe the existing inconsistences:
We cannot say that there is an inconsistency but we can say that we can strengthen implementation.

Further comments

Q5 In your country, have strategic approaches / measures been taken to counter these inconsistencies, since 2012?


If yes, please specify:
Action plans developed for the chapters 23 and 24 , as well as monitoring mechanism of implementation.

If no, please explain why not:

Further comments

Q6 Have concrete measures/activities been taken to promote citizenship and human rights education in your country since 2012, in accordance with the objectives and principles of the Charter? (NB: this includes work done in the framework of the UN World Programme for Human Rights Education and other relevant international programmes and initiatives)


If yes, please specify:
We have subject Civic education and in the process of revision curricula we strengthen these topics, as well as in the curricula in the first three grades: Knowing Society

If no, please explain why not:

Further comments

Q7 Are there any measures/activities planned to promote citizenship and human rights education in your country, in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Charter?


If yes, please specify:
Action plans developed fort the chapters 23 and 24 in the EU pre-accession negotiation process, as well as monitoring mechanism of implementation.

If no, please explain why not:

Further comments

Q8 Is the Charter…

a)…available in the language(s) of your country?

b)…available in the minority language(s) of your country?

c)…available on the website of the Ministry of Education or another relevant body?

d)… disseminated to the target audiences by other means?

If no, please explain why not:

Further comments

Q9 The Council of Europe has produced a number of tools and resources to promote and support citizenship and human rights education within and across the States Party to the European Cultural Convention. These tools and resources are available at: www.coe.int/en/web/edc/resources and at: www.coe.int/compass (Please indicate the usefulness, in your country, of the following Council of Europe tools and resources.)

a) Charter on EDC/HRE
Moderately used

b) Strategic Support for Decision-makers: Policy Tool for EDC/HRE
Moderately used

c) Democratic Governance of Schools
Scarcely used

d) How all Teachers Can Support EDC/HRE: A Framework for the Development of Competencies
Moderately used

d) Quality Assurance of EDC in Schools
Scarcely used

e) School-Community-University Partnerships for Sustainable Democracy: EDC in Europe and the US
Scarcely used

f) Living Democracy' Manuals for Teachers
Moderately used

g) A Compendium of Good Practice in HRE
Scarcely used

h) Compass, manual for human rights education with young people
Moderately used

i) Compasito, manual for human rights education with children
Moderately used

j) Human Rights and Democracy Start with Us – Charter for All
Scarcely used

k) Curriculum development and review for democratic citizenship and human rights education
Scarcely used

l) Multimedia Material (ex. video “Beat Bullying”, series of cartoons “Democracy and Human Rights at School”, video “Corporal punishment at school : how two parents decided to change things”)
Scarcely used

m) “Freedom(s) - Learning activities for secondary schools on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights
Scarcely used

Other (please specify: ______)

If these resources were useful, please specify:
During the process of revising curriculum for the relevant subject we use the best CoE practice, as well as teachers’ trainings.

If these resources were not useful, please specify:

Further comments




Article 3. Relationship between education for democratic citizenship and human rights education

Q10 Is there a shared working definition of citizenship and human rights education in your country?


In case if there is no shared working definition of citizenship and human rights education, please explain why not:

Please provide the name of the term in English and in original language as well as its definition and indicate the references and/or web link.
Montenegrin / obrazovanje za demokratsko građanstvo i ljudska prava.
English: Education for democratic citizenship and human rights.



Article 5. Objectives and Principles

Q11 In your country, to what extent do education laws, policies, and strategic objectives explicitly refer to citizenship and human rights education

a) … in formal education at pre-primary, primary and secondary level?
b) … in vocational education and training?
c) … in higher education?
d) … in the training of education personnel?
e) … in youth policy and non-formal education?

In case if education laws, policies, and strategic objectives do refer explicitly to EDC/HRE, please specify:
General Law on Education and other laws in education
Strategy for the development of elementary school
Strategy for the early and preschool education
Strategy for the Inclusive education

In case if education laws, policies, and strategic objectives do not explicitly refer EDC/HRE, please explain why not:



Article 6. Formal general and vocational education

Q12 In your country is education for democratic citizenship and human rights promoted as follows in schools and colleges:

a) specific subject matter – obligatory


Please provide further details including web links where appropriate:

Further comments

Q13 If citizenship and human rights education is included in the curricula in your country, has it been subject to revision and updating since 2012 at...

a) … pre-primary education?

b) … primary school?

c) … lower secondary school (including vocational)?

d) … upper secondary school (including vocational)?

If no, please explain why not:
In preschool education last revision was at 2011

If yes, then what are/were the key challenges? How will they be / how were they overcome?
In elementary and secondary school we did revision in school 2013/14

To what extent was the revision and updating process inclusive and participatory?
We involve practitioners, theoreticians and then we promote changes to the teachers, principals of schools, as well as organize through the few regional counselling, then developed supported mechanism in schools etc.

Further comments

Article 7. Higher education

Q14 To what extent is citizenship and human rights education provision promoted in higher education institutions in your country?


If not at all or scarcely, please explain why:

If extensively, please explain why and provide examples:

Further comments


Article 8. Democratic governance

Q15 In your country, are there any education laws, policies and strategies that promote democratic governance in educational institutions, particularly schools, concerning…

a) … decision making procedures (e.g. governing bodies / school boards)?

b) … school culture / rules?

c) … pupil / student participation (e.g. school / student councils)?

d) … parental / family involvement in schools (e.g. governing bodies / school boards)?

e) …school / community links (in and out of school)?

If yes, please specify:
General Law for the Education

If no, please explain why not:

Further comments


Article 9. Training

Q16 In your country, is there a provision for citizenship and human rights education in initial teacher education, continuing professional development and other types of training for…

a) … teachers?

b) … school leaders?

c) … other education staff?
To some extent

d) … youth leaders (in and out of school)?

e) … teacher trainers / trainers of trainers?

f) … parents?
To some extent

If yes, please specify:
At the Faculty there are different modules that prepare teachers for these topics: inclusive education, HRE, etc.

If no, please explain why not:

If to some extent, please specify:

Further comments

Provide examples of good practice:
Annually in June we have “Summer Academy / Human rights in action” for the South Eastern European Countries in Cetinje. Program promotes basic ideas and principles of education for the EDC/HRE, as well ideas from the CoE Charter on democratic citizenship and human rights. Summer Academy is a joint activity of the Bureau for Education, Ministry of Education, CoE and the European Wergeland Centre from Norway. Representatives of countries (last year 13) are a team including a school principal, a teacher of Civic Education, and a parent from the school or a representative of a relevant NGO.


Article 10. Role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), youth organisations and other stakeholders

Q17 To what extent, in your country, is there co-operation and support between the government and the following organisations and groups that foster citizenship and human rights education?

a) Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
To a fair extent

b) Youth organisations
To a fair extent

c) Community groups
To a little extent

d) Parents' groups
To a little extent

e) Other (please specify: ______)

If not at all or to a little extent, please explain why:

If to a large extent, please explain the factors for success:

Provide examples of good practice:

Further comments


Article 11. Criteria for evaluation

Q18 In your country, have criteria been developed to evaluate the effectiveness of citizenship and human rights education programmes?


Further information:

Please provide examples of how these criteria have been developed, reviewed and used:

To what extent have they been useful?

Provide examples of good practice:


Article 12. Research

Q19 In your country, to what extent has research been initiated and promoted on citizenship and human rights education to take stock of the current situation?

To a moderate extent

If not at all or to a little extent, please explain why:

What needs to be done to obtain stronger support for such research?

Further comments


Article 13. Skills for promoting social cohesion, valuing diversity and handling differences and conflict

Q20 In your country, to what extent are educational approaches and teaching methods promoted that enable pupils/students to acquire competences to…

a) … promote social cohesion?
To a large extent

b) … value diversity and equality (particularly between different faiths and ethnic groups)?
To a large extent

c) … settle disagreements and conflicts in a non-violent manner?
To a large extent

d) … combat all forms of discrimination and violence (especially bullying)?
To a large extent

If not at all or to a little extent, please explain why:

What needs to be done to encourage more active promotion of such educational approaches and teaching methods?
Support teachers' network, and sharing experiences and examples of good practice.

Further comments




Article 14. Evaluation and review

Q21 Has any action been taken or foreseen to evaluate strategies and policies undertaken in accordance with the aims and principles of the Charter?


If not, please explain why not:

If yes, please provide links to the relevant monitoring and evaluation reports:

What were the key conclusions?

Who takes part in the evaluation process?

Example of good practice:

Further comments:


Article 15. Co-operation in follow-up activities

Q22 In your country, have any co-operation activities with other countries been organised or planned in pursuing the aims and principles of the Charter?


If not, please explain why not:

Example of good practice:

What is required to encourage such cooperation activities?

Further comments


Article 16. International and European co-operation

Q23 In your country, is there co-operation and collaboration on citizenship and human rights education with the following organisations / institutions?

a) Council of Europe (CoE)

b) United Nations system (UN) (including UNESCO and UN OHCHR)

c) Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

d) European Union (EU) (including European Commission)

e) Other international/ European organisations

Please specify 'Other international/ European organisations'

What are your expectations from such cooperation?
to respect needs and answer on them

To what extent are these expectations met?

How could such cooperation be made more useful?
Joint planning

Further comments

Q24 In what ways is / can the Charter review process be of support to the countries? [Please rank from 1 (not useful)- 5 (very useful)]

a) An encouragement / motivation for stronger action and higher quality

b) An opportunity to promote good practice

c) A support tool for dialogue with other countries and within the country

d) Access to expertise from other countries and from international institutions

e) Other

Please specify other

Q25 What are your expectations from the Council of Europe? [Please indicate the current level of satisfaction from 1 (not useful) - 5 (very useful) for each expectation]

a) An encouragement / motivation for stronger action and higher quality

b) Opportunities for sharing and cooperation with other countries

c) Provision of a shared framework of reference / common standards

d) Impetus for dialogue and cooperation within the country

e) Authoritative encouragement to ensure respect of commitments

f) Technical advice / technical assistance

g) Access to the network of key actors in the member states through the Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of local and regional authorities and the INGO Conference and the HR Commissioner as well as various monitoring bodies (such as ECRI) as a means of raising visibility of EDC/HRE

h) Other

Please specify other

Q26 What are the key challenges to the promotion and development of citizenship and human rights education in your country? (Please indicate the level of impact of each challenge)

a) Lack of priority among decision makers (other areas given more priority)
Medium impact

b) Lack of awareness/interest/support among education professionals
Medium impact

c) Impact of the economic crisis/recession
High Impact

d) Reduction/cuts in funding
High Impact

e) Decentralised education system
High Impact

f) Changing political context (e.g. change of government)
Low impact

g) Reduction of support networks (NGOs, parent and youth groups etc.)
Medium impact

h) Lack of public interest and support
Medium impact

i) Lack of media interest and support
Medium impact

j) Lack of support from European organisations (Council of Europe, EU etc.)
Medium impact


Please specify other

Further comments (half a page maximum):



There are plans to repeat this questionnaire in 5 years’ time to get a further sense of the progress of the States Party to the European Cultural Convention in pursuing the aims and principles for citizenship and human rights education promoted by the present Charter. It is also proposed to design the questionnaire focusing on particular areas.

Q27 What particular areas should the follow-up Questionnaire focus on for the next review cycle? (Please indicate the level of priority for each area)

a) Formal general (pre-primary, primary and secondary school) and vocational education

b) Higher education

c) Pre-school education

d) Democratic governance of educational institutions

e) Training (initial and on-going)

f) Role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), youth organisations and other stakeholders

g) Criteria for evaluation

h) Research

i) Social cohesion, valuing diversity and handling differences and conflict

j) Evaluation and review

k) International and European co-operation

l) Other

Please specify other

Q28 How can this questionnaire be improved in order to ensure that the data collection is meaningful and useful in terms of encouraging further progress in citizenship and human rights education?


Q29 To what extent the process of preparation of the reply to this questionnaire was constructive and participatory? [Please rank from 1 (poor)- 5 (excellent)]


Further comments:



NB: The questions below are to be addressed to the Education Commission in the National Parliament or other similar bodies

Please indicate which body has been contacted

Q30 Would you agree that citizenship and human rights education is a means to address…

a) … violent extremism and radicalisation leading to terrorism?
To a great extent

b) … integration of migrants and refugees?
To a great extent

c) … consequences of the economic crisis / austerity measures / social exclusion?
To a medium extent

d) … the deficit of democratic participation of both vulnerable and non-vulnerable groups in society with the overall aim of building cohesive and equitable societies?
To a great extent

Further comments:

Q31 What legislation has been adopted in the last 5 years or is in preparation, with a view to support and promote citizenship and human rights education?


Q32 What are the thematic areas of education of particular concern to your Committee in this respect?


Q33 Do you have any further comments to make not provided elsewhere? If so, please use the space below.


Q34 Further comments on citizenship and human rights education in the country:



Other contributors contacted by the respondent, including representatives of:

1. Ministries:

2. Research institutions:

3. Education professionals:

4. Civil society organisations:

a. Teachers organisations:

b Youth organisations

c Children organisations

d Parents organisations

5. National human rights institutions

6. Parliaments

7. Local and regional authorities

8. International institutions

9. Medias

10. Others