7-11 May 1948

Congress of the Hague

"The Congress of the Hague is surely one of the most remarkable events of the closing century. Until that moment "treaties of peace" were signed following wars, and were not worthy of their name. Imposed by the victors on the vanquished, they provoked, more than anything, a need for revenge. At the Hague, it was no longer a question of preparing treaties, but rather of reuniting the people of Europe in a common organisation capable of ensuring a lasting peace.", Pierre Pflimlin, former President of the Consultative Assembly.

  Congress of Europe, The Hague, 7-11 May 1948, ISBN 92-871-3918-0 (proceedings, 452 p.) (opens new window)

5 May 1949

The Netherlands sign the Statute of the Council of Europe.

  Statute of the Council of Europe (opens new window)