Back Deputy Secretary General at EU Sport Forum 2022 in Lille

Deputy Secretary General at EU Sport Forum 2022 in Lille

“We are clear about the need for the protection of human rights and respect for the rule of law, particularly the fight against corruption. About the importance of striving for major advances in the promotion of values-driven sports. And about reaffirming the Council of Europe as a key partner in addressing European and global challenges in sport”, highlighted Bjørn Berge while addressing the High-Level Panel “European Sports: fair, inclusive and fir for the future”, in the framework of the EU Sport Forum 2022 in Lille.

The panel was moderated by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth. Moreover, Deputy Secretary General took part in the HealthyLifeStyle4all pledges’ signature ceremony.

The Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Vadym Huttsait and the President of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine Sergey Bubka provided their contribution to the Forum in Solidarity with Ukraine.

An exchange of views between Deputy Secretary General Berge and Commissioner Gabriel was also part of the agenda.



The EU Sport Forum is an annual event organised by the European Commission in support of the continuous dialogue with the European and international sport community.

It is a central meeting point between sport organisations, representatives of the EU Institutions and Member States exchanging views on the current and future sport policies.

This years’ EU Sport Forum theme has been ‘European Sport: fair, inclusive and fit for a sustainable future’, covering priorities in the field of European sport with an emphasis on inclusiveness, equality and solidarity as key principles and values of a European sports model; the green transition of the sport sector, in particular the promotion of sustainable sports infrastructure; good governance in sport with focus on athletes empowerment; and the protection and promotion of well-being notably of young people through sport.

The HealthyLifestyle4All Youth Ideas Labs have also been launched as a contribution to the European Year of Youth 2022 through sport.

Lille 16 June 2022
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