Strasbourg, 29 May 2018

CDCPP(2018)OJ1 rev 1



Opening of the meeting: Wednesday 6 June 2018 at 9.30 am
Close of the meeting: Friday 8 June 2018 at 1 pm
Strasbourg, Council of Europe, Palais de l’Europe, Room 5


1. Opening of the meeting by the Chair


2. Adoption of the agenda

[CDCPP(2018)OJ1] - For adoption


3. General questions

3.1 Highlights of 2017 work

[CDCPP(2018)1] - For information

3.2 Committee of Ministers’ decisions concerning the 2018-19 Programme and Budget and the work of the CDCPP

[CDCPP(2018)2] - For information

3.3 State of implementation of the 2018-19 work programme and calendar of meetings for 2018

[CDCPP(2018)3] - For information

3.4 Bureau meeting reports

[CDCPP-Bu(2017)16 rev] [CDCPP-Bu(2018) 7] - For information


4. Elections

[CDCPP(2018)4] - For action


5. Fields of activity of the CDCPP

5.1 Landscape

National policies and international co-operation for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention - Report of activities May 2017- June 2018 and Work Programme and Action Plan for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention 2017-2019
[CDCPP(2018)5] - For information and action

Draft Recommendation contributing to the implementation of the European Landscape Convention: creation of public funds for landscape, and Exploratory Report on experiences of public landscape funds
[CDCPP(2018)6] - For information and action

5.2 Culture

Indicator Framework on Culture and Democracy;
5th Council of Europe Platform Exchange on Culture and Digitisation; Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends Association; Cultural Policy Reviews
[CDCPP(2018)7] - For information and action

Draft recommendation: Culture’s contribution to strengthening the Internet as an emancipatory force
[CDCPP(2018)8] - For information and action

2nd Thematic Report on Culture and Democracy

5.3 Heritage

Strategy 21; Faro Convention Action Plan; HEREIN; CoE Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property; European Heritage Days; European Cultural Heritage Year 2018
[CDCPP(2018)9] - For information and action


6. Information concerning other Council of Europe activities in the fields of culture, cultural heritage and landscape

Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes
EPA(2018)PV02 - For information

European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA)
Cultural heritage facing climate change; experiences and ideas for resilience and adaptation - For information


7. Outlook on future work in 2018-19


8. Dates of the next meetings


9. Adoption of the abridged meeting report

For adoption


10. Close of the meeting

Illustration about the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP)
  • Daniil KHOCHABO
  • Gillian FRENCH

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