The CCPE may be requested by member States to look into specific problems concerning prosecutors. It addresses topical issues and, if necessary, visits the country concerned to discuss ways of improving the existing situation in legislative and practical terms.


  Thematic studies of the CCPE



  Reports concerning member States



Specific situations



 Republic of Moldova


  • Opinion of the CCPE Bureau following a request by the Romanian Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors as regards the situation on the independence of the prosecutors in Romania (May 2019) - in English / in Romanian
    A summary of the Opinion of the CCPE Bureau is also available in Arabic




Following the events that took place in Turkey in summer 2016, the Bureau of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) expressed its position on the situation of prosecutors

The Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) made public its declaration on communications relating to the functioning of the prosecution service in Turkey