Back Info days on promoting Municipal Support Packages in Local Self – Governments

Tobias Flessenkemper, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade, giving interview during Info Day in Novi Sad

Tobias Flessenkemper, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade, giving interview during Info Day in Novi Sad

Within the joint EU/CoE Programme Human Resources Management in Local Self – Government - phase 2 (2018 - 2021), which is implemented by the Council of Europe in cooperation with Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self – Government and Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, info – day’s events were organized with the purpose of informing local self –governments about forthcoming programme support for further development of human resources management (HRM) function at local level.

Info days were held in the following cities: Niš, Kragujevac, Novi Sad and Belgrade, 24 - 27 September 2019.

The introductory remarks were given by high – level representatives from state institutions and international organizations: Ivan Bošnjak, State Secretary, Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government, Tobias Flessenkemper, Head of Mission of the Council of Europe, Steffen Hudolin, Head of the Sector Operations II, and Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia.

They emphasized the importance of supporting local governments in aligning with the European standards of good governance and the establishment of modern public servant system based on the competences, knowledge and skills of employees.

The info day’s events were attended by more than 200 participants – representatives of LSGs in Serbia.

The Municipal Support Packages (MSP) – specially developed instrument for strengthening HRM function in LSGs was thoroughly presented to the participants, as well as the application and evaluation procedures for selecting local governments to be supported by the Programme. Representatives of LSGs expressed great interest for MSP implementation and highlighted the importance of programme support for strengthening HRM and professional development system at local level.

The Programme support (implementation of MSP) will be provided to 50 LSGs, out of which 30 will be selected based on the evaluation of the submitted applications, while 20 LSGs, which were supported within the previous programme phase, will be directly involved in the MSP implementation.

The Council of Europe launched a Public Call for implementing the Municipal Support Packages for local administration for enhancing human resources management in 30 local self-government units in Serbia. The deadline for applying was set to 10 October 2019.

Belgrade 08/10/2019
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